INSPEC and Computing Reviews

INSPEC is published by The Institution of Electrical Engineers

IEE is founded in 1871 as one of the largest professional engineering societies with its international membership now of over 130,000 members in all areas of engineering. IEE is one of the major publishers of engineering information sources, including INSPEC (1969-) INSPEC is available in hard copy, online (via Melvyl® and many other online catalogs and commercial retrieval systems), and on CD-ROM.

It is worth noting that the three major files of INSPEC are:

  • Physics Abstracts (series A, 1898- .)
  • Electrical and Electronics Abstracts (series B, 1898- .)
  • Computer and Control Abstracts (series C, 1966- .)
  • Information Technology (series D, 1989- .)

Subfile D on Information technology covers business and financial applications, communication, and computing. Thus, unless instructed differently, when you search Inspec, you are automatically searching all these four files.

Physics Abstracts (1969- .) covers the whole field of physics (see classification and contents). PA includes entries derived from journals, reports, books, dissertations and conference papers published in all countries and languages of the world. The number of items included is currently running at about 155,000 per year.

Besides the main body of abstracts that are arranged according to the Classification and Contents, other indexes are subject index, author index, as well as subsidiary indexes including bibliography index, book index, corporate author index, and conference index.

Each entry consists of a citation and an abstract.


Electrical and Electronics Abstracts  covers topics ranging from engineering mathematics and materials science, circuit theory, microwave technology, semiconductors, magnetic and superconducting materials, electromagnetic fields, communications, radar, radio, TV and audio, measurement science, medical physics, aerospace facilities and techniques, earth sciences, sonics and ultrasonics, power systems and applications, power utilization, and more.

Each entry consists of a citation and an abstract.

Computer and Control Abstracts (1940-  .) This file covers topics ranging from systems and control theory to knowledge engineering tools, computer software, and networking, to user interfaces and virtual reality.

INSPEC database uses both title words as well as thesaurus words. Inspec Thesaurus is a separate volume. See the ATEIS-Articles visual for a general model of finding engineering articles.

THESAURUS search words: natural languages

UF natural language processing (UF=used for natural language processing)

BT languages (BT=broader term is languages)

TT languages (TT=top term in a hierarchy of terms)

RT artificial intelligence (RT=related term/s)

computational linguistic
formal languages
programming languages
query languages
specification languages
speech recognition
user interfaces

CC C4210L; C6140D; C6180N; C7820(CC=classification code)

DI  January 1985(DI=date [1985])

PT high level languages (PT=prior term to natural languages)


For illustrations on cell phones and superconductivity from Inspec Thesaurus (1999), see Tables 1-2 below.

Cellular radio

used for (UF):
cellular communication
cellular telephones
Groupe Speciale Mobile (GSM)
microcellular radio
pan-european radio

Land mobile radio

These twp terms are broader terms (BT) to "cellular radio". If you searched under these terms, you will retrieve a larger set of documents

Radio applications

These terms are top terms (TT) in the hierarchy

Channel allocation
Land mobile radio
Personal communication networks
Radio access networking
Space division multiple access

All these terms are related terms (RT) to "cellular radio"

DI January 1985

Date when "cellular radio" was added

mobile radio systems

previous term (PT) used before 1985

B6250F; D4045

class codes

Table 1: Inspec Thesaurus (1999) -- an excerpt on cellular phones


Superconducting materials

between Jan 1973 and Jan 1977, "quilibrium properties of superconductors", "nonequilibrium properties of superconductors" and "transport properties of superconductors" were also used


is not used -- use Superconducting materials

Composite superconductors
Dirty superconductors
Heavy fermion superconductors
High-temperature superconductors
Magnetic superconductors
Organic superconductors
Strong-coupling superconductors
Superconducting tapes
Type I superconductors
Type II superconductors

All these terms are narrower terms (NT). If you search under these terms, you will retrieve more specific documents


The term is broader term (BT) and pulls a larger set of documents


Top term (TT) in the hierarchy

Fullerene compounds
Fusion reactor materials
Kapitza resistance
Microwave materials
Superconducting epitaxial layers
Superconducting thin films

All these terms are related terms (RT) to the main term

A7470; B3220

class codes

January 1969

Date inputed into Inspec Thesaurus (DI)

Table 2: Excerpt from Inspec Thesaurus (1999) on Superconducting


This Section is of special interest to people who have access to the University of California Digital Library (CDL) password protected databases, such as Inspec.

INSPEC database is searchable via the Melvyl® online library catalog for authorized users; telnet to or search the Web. The Web version uses a point-and-click interface and requires no knowledge of commands. If you are a novice or an infrequent searcher, go to the Web version.

The telnet version uses the command language and may be more appropriate for frequent searchers.

INSPEC database is partitioned into a current file and backfiles as illustrated in Table below:


1995 to present









To get explanation of the INSPEC database on Melvyl® via telnet, type in: exp ins



Use the MELVYL INSPEC databases to retrieve citations to articles in over 4,000 scholarly journals, conference proceedings, books, reports, and dissertations in physics, electrical engineering and electronics, computers and control, and information technology.

As of 2/28/2001, the current database contains 1,874,887 citations for materials indexed by the Institution of Electrical Engineers from Jan. 1, 1995 to the present. New citations are added weekly.

It is also possible to search by title for periodicals held by the UC campuses, and other California libraries. Use the PERIODICALS database to search by other access points.

INS-> exp limit

You may limit your search to a particular form (e.g., conferences only), data, language, and index (author, title). You can limit or narrow a search in one index by combining it with a search in another index using AND or AND NOT.  Combine both indexes in one search, or add on the limit in a separate command. Examples:

FIND KW SECURITY AND FORM CONFERENCE (gives 8,352 citations in Inspec)

F AU VUJIC, J AND AA BERKELEY (gives 39 citations in Inspec)

Any index can be used to limit a search. PUBLICATION TYPE, FORM, and SUBFILE searches and some DATE and LANGUAGE searches may be used ONLY to limit another search.

Once you have limited a search, if you want to see the records retrieved without the limit, you must reissue the search. Use the BACKUP or REDO commands to reissue the search without retyping it. For more information, type:







INS-> e form

Use the FORM index with AND or AND NOT to limit a search by the form or type

of material--e.g., journal articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, conference papers, dissertations, and reports.

FIND SU RADAR THEORY AND FORM JOUR (583 citations in Inspec)


To specify more than one form, separate the forms with commas.  The forms are automatically OR'd together--e.g., DISSERTATION OR REPORT.

Inspec consists of four different subfiles. To get an explanation, type in:

INS-> e subfile

Use the SUBFILE (or SF) index with AND or AND NOT to limit your search in the INSPEC database to journals in a specific subject area. For example,

FIND SU LASERS AND SF PHYS, ELEC    (subfile Physics or Electrical)

FIND SU ROBOTICS AND NOT SF CO      (subfile Computers and Control)

FIND PA INGRAM, S AND SF D          (subfile Information Technology)

INS-> e date

Use these date options only to limit another search:


Year range FIND AU MITCHELL, T AND DATE 1994-1995


Example: display brief citations by a known author (W. E. Kastenberg)

INS-> F PA ERCEGOVAC, Z (2 citations in Inspec)

INS-> d rev

1. Ercegovac, Z.

Learning Portfolio for accessing engineering information for engineers. IN: ASIS'99. Proceedings of the 62nd ASIS Annual Meeting, Vol. 36. Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use. Washington, D.C., USA, October 31 - November 4, 1999. Edited by Larry Woods. Medford, NJ, USA: Information Today, 1999. p 450-461.


INS-> F PA KASTENBERG (9 citations in Inspec)

INS-> d rev

1. Hazards of managing and disposing of nuclear waste. Phys. Today (USA), June 1997, vol.50, (no.6):41-6.

2. Considerations of autocatalytic criticality of fissile materials... Nucl. Technol. (USA), Sept. 1996, vol.115, (no.3):298-310.

3. Zheng Wu; Okrent, D.; Kastenberg, W.E.Use of artificial intelligence in severe... 1995. CONF PAPER

4. Effect of external cooling on the thermal behavior of a boiling... Nucl. Technol. (USA), Nov. 1994, vol.108, (no.2):266-82.

5. Use of an influence diagram and fuzzy probability for evaluating... Nucl. Technol. (USA), June 1994, vol.106, (no.3):315-25.

INS-> d 1 long


Author:        Kastenberg, W.E.; Gratton, L.J.

Affiliation:   Dept. of Nucl. Eng., California Univ., Berkeley, CA, USA.

Title:         Hazards of managing and disposing of nuclear waste.Source:   Physics Today, June 1997, vol.50, (no.6):41-6. 14 references.

Text:          Type D 1 LONG AB to see abstract.

Language:      English.

Pub type:       Practical.

Subfile:          Physics (A).

  • Subject:Thesaurus terms:

                 Radioactive waste disposal.


Other subjects: Long-lived nuclear wastes; Geologic repositories; Hazards; Risks; HLW storage; Spent fuel; WIPP; Yucca Mountain; Safety regulations.


>> find a relevant item

>> display thesaurus terms

>> use them in subsequent searches

Search Strategy:

A. Find a relevant item

B. Display thesaurus terms


d long (the following is one of long records displayed):

Author:      Kastenberg, W.E.; Peterson, P.F.; Ahn, J.; Burch, J.; and others.

Affiliation:   Dept. of Nucl. Eng., California Univ., Berkeley, CA, USA.

Title: Considerations of autocatalytic criticality of fissile materials in geologic repositories.

  • Source:     Nuclear Technology, Sept. 1996, vol.115, (no.3):298-310. 30 references.
    Language:      English.
    Pub type:      Theoretical or Mathematical.
    Subfile:         Physics (A).
    Subject:       Thesaurus terms:

    Nuclear criticality safety.
    Radioactive waste disposal.

    Other subjects:

    Autocatalytic criticality; Fissile materials; Geologic repositories; Highly enriched uranium; /sup 239/Pu; Pore water; Supercriticality; Rock heating; Yucca Mountain; Colloids; Pu.

    C. Use some of the subject headings in your subsequent searches:

    INS-> f su radioactive waste disposal

    2,319 citations in Inspec database

    INS-> save set

    Search result: 2,239 citations in INSPEC

    INS-> f set 1 and lan eng

    Request: 2,239 citations saved as Set 2

    INS-> f set 2 and pt report 

    4 citations in the INSPEC database

    INS-> d 1 long

    Moncoffre, N; Barbier, G; Leblond, E; Martin, P. and others. Univ of Lyon, Frnace. "Diffusion studies using ion beam analysis. Jan. 1998, 17 pages. Experimental work in PHYSICS (series A--Physics Abstracts).

    Thesaurus terms:

    Amorphous semiconductors.
    Ion implantation.
    Ion microprobe analysis.
    Nuclear chemical analysis.
    Radioactive waste disposal
    . (the thesaurus term that we searched under)
    Rutherford backscattering.
    Silicon compounds.
    Thermodynamic properties.
    Wide band gap semiconductors


COMPUTING REVIEWS (1960-  .) CR are put out by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) It is the world's oldest and largest educational scientific computing society. Since 1947 ACM has provided a vital forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and discoveries. It has a membership of over 80,000 computing professionals in more than 100 countries in all areas of industry, academia, and government.

Annual indexes are called ACM Guide to Computing Literature. The Guide has 7 sections: the main section containing reviews, author index, keyword index, category index, proper noun subject index, reviewer index, and source index.

What are the reviewed books on fuzzy logic?

Look in Index to CR Classification under fuzzy. Heading given is Fuzzy and Probabilistic Reasoning and Fuzzy Set.


Familiarize yourself with the CR Classification System. It is divided into 11 sections:

general literature
computer systems organization
theory of computation
mathematics of computing
information systems
computing methodologies
computer applications
and computing milleux

Another hint is to know symbols representing different formats: reviews for book, proceedings, dissertation, comparative book review, scholarly review, and rebuttal.

Each of these different categories is organized differently. For example, books are arranged alphabetically by first author's last name; journal papers by journal name; proceedings by conference name; reports by publisher; doctoral theses by university. All reviews are signed, critical, and lengthy.

CR is available as an online file as well as a CD-ROM product. CR is also incorporated into MathSci.