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Updated: September 8, 2000

• Errata for the  third printing

(page 57): Exercise 2.47: The output is in the range 0 to 15

(page 109): Figure 4.23: Reorder the outputs (z_3 on top, etc.)

(page 138): Figure 5.18: Change c' to c at the bottom line with a transistor and in the expression
for z which should read z = ((a+b) + c)' = (a+b)c'

(page 238): Figure 8.45: The outputs should be labeled with z_1 and z_0

(page 392): Exercise 13.2: Change ``x" to ``a" and ``y" to ``w"

(page 392): Exercises 13.3 and 13.4: Change ``a" to ``x"

(page 396, line 7): Exercise 13.14: Move the right parenthesis after  ``... details".

(page 393): Exercise 13.5: Correct the subscript of z on the left-hand side of the equation: it should be i+1

(page 428): Exercise 14.2: Exchange ``j" and ``i" in the expression for T

(page 431): Exercise 14.10: Replace ``Section 14.4.5" with ``Example 14.3"; ``adder" with ``ALU"

(page 432): Exercise 14.12: Move line with ``i:=i+1" after END IF;

                                             Move line with ``j:=j-1" after END LOOP;

(page 433): Exercise 14.13: Add a reset line to the module; also

(page 498, line 25): Correct ``thruth table" to ``truth table";  move after line 45

Errata  corrected in the third printing

(page 58): Exercise 2.50: Eliminate the hint

(page 93): Figure  4.7(b): Add  ``x1x0" at the output of the rightmost NAND gate

(page 102, line 8): Change the sentence ``Due to ..." to ``We illustrate the computation of the delay  for the path"

(page 118, line 10): Eliminate ``()" after ``zero-set"

(page 138): In Figure 5.18, change the rightmost expression for w to  ... = (a+c)(b+c')

(page 186): In Figure 7.16: the bit strings under states S4, S5, and S6 should be in bold

(page 275): In caption for Figure 9.39: ``Exercise 9.24" change to ``Exercise 9.23"

(page 291): Table in the middle: Change ``-58" to ``-59"

(page 303, paragraph 8, line 2): Change ``6 x 4" to ``8 x 6"

(page 306): In Figure 10.20: the module in the middle: ``Binary Decoder" change to ``Binary Encoder"

(page 311,paragraph 1, line 6): Change ``... in Chapters 12 ... `` to ``... Chapter 13 to ..."

(page 335): Exercise 11.12: should refer to Exercise 11.11 and not to Exercise 11.10

(page 336): Figure 11.32(b): Changes:

        Counter on the left:  LD = S1' (add a NOT);
                                        remove line from S2 to I2 and make I2 = 1;
                                        make I1 = 1

        Counter on the right: LD = S2' (add a NOT)

(page 401): In Figure 14.2: line -6: Change ``RAI" to ``RAl"