D. Maniezzo, G. Villa, M.Gerla,
" A "Smart" MAC-Routing Protocol for WLAN Mesh Networks",
UCLA – Technical Report # 040032, October 2004. [pdf]
Guang Yang, Mario Gerla and M. Y. Sanadidi
"Adaptive Video Streaming in Presence of Wireless Errors",
The International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS 2004), San Diego, CA, Oct. 2004.
Ling-Jyh Chen,Rohit Kapoor, M. Y. Sanadidi, Mario Gerla
"Enhancing Bluetooth TCP Throughput via Link Layer Packet Adaptation",
The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), Paris, France, 2004
Ling-Jyh Chen,Rohit Kapoor, Kevin Lee, M. Y. Sanadidi, Mario Gerla
"Audio Streaming over Bluetooth: An Adaptive ARQ Timeout Approach",
The 6th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications (MNSA 2004), Tokyo, Japan, 2004
P. Bergamo, D. Maniezzo, G. Mazzini, M. Gerla,
"RWPS: A Low Computation Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks",
IEEE ICICS-PCM2003, Singapore, December 2003. [pdf]
R. Kapoor, M. Cesana, M. Gerla,
"Link Layer Support for Streaming MPEG Video over Wireless Links",
Conference on Computer Communications and Networks ICCCN'03, Dallas, Texas, October
20-22, 2003. [pdf]
P. Bergamo, M.Cesana, D. Maniezzo, G. Pau,
K. Yao, D. Whiteman, M. Gerla,
"IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network under Aggressive Mobility
International Telemetry Conference ITC/USA2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, October
20-23, 2003. [pdf]
M. Cesana, D. Maniezzo, P. Bergamo, M.
"Interference Aware (IA) MAC: an Enhancement to IEEE802.11b
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC Fall 2003,
Orlando, Florida, USA, October 4-9, 2003. [pdf]
D. Maniezzo, M. Cesana, P. Bergamo, M. Gerla,
K. Yao,
"Real-Time Caption Streaming over WiFi Network",
IEEE International Conference on Information Technology Research and Education,
ITRE 2003,
Newark, New Jersey, USA, August 10-13, 2003. [pdf]
G. Pau, D. Maniezzo, S. Das, Y. Lim, J. Pyon, H. Yu,
M. Gerla,
"A Cross-Layer Framework for Wireless LAN QoS Support",
IEEE International Conference on Information Technology Research and Education,
ITRE 2003,
Newark, New Jersey, USA, August 10-13, 2003. [pdf]
D. Maniezzo, P. Bergamo, M. Cesana, M. Gerla,
"How to outperform IEEE802.11: Interference Aware (IA) MAC",
MedHocNet 2003, Mahdia, Tunisia, June 25-27, 2003. [pdf]
D. Maniezzo, M. Cesana,
"IA-MAC, Interference Aware MAC",
UCLA – Technical Report # 020037. [pdf]
D. Maniezzo, G. Pau, M. Gerla, G. Mazzini,
K. Yao,
“T-MAH: A Token Passing MAC protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”,
MedHocNet2002, Chia, Sardegna, Italy, September 2002. [ps]
Yunjung Yi,Xiaoyan Hong, and Mario Gerla,
"Scalable Team Multicast
in Wireless Ad hoc Networks Exploiting Coordinated Motion",
Proc. of NGC 2002, October 2002. [pdf],
M. Gerla, X. Hong, and G. Pei.
"Landmark routing for large
ad hoc wireless networks".
In Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2000, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2000. [pdf],
Manthos (Matheos) I. Kazantzidis
"MAC intelligence for adaptive multimedia in 802.11 networks".
JSAC Special Issue on Intelligent Systems, To be published First Quarter of 2005
Kaixin Xu, Mario Gerla, Lantao Qi, and Yantai Shu
"TCP Unfairness in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks and a Neighborhood RED Solution".
To appear on ACM WINET 2004