This widget is a text widget. Use the scroll bar to read the description of the other widgets in this example. THE WIDGETS EXAMPLE. This is an example showing the use of the basic widgets. The widgets involved are: xform xlabel xbutton xtoggle xdialog ximage xtext (this one) The xform is a widget whose purpose in life is to hold the other widgets. All widgets must be children of a form. The xlabel is just that - a label. You can set its color, text, and font, but it doesnt respond to mouse events. The xbuttons are like labels that do respond to mouse events. Buttons have two panels, one of which is visible only when it is pressed, and the other which is normally visible. Each panel can have its own color, text and font. Every time a button is pressed it can call one or more script commands as specified in the 'script' field. The xtoggles are buttons with two stable states. One panel is visible when the state is 0 (off) and the other when it is 1 (on). Mouse clicks make the xtoggle toggle. The xdialogs are for entering and displaying data, as well as issuing script calls. They handle a text string specified in the value field. When entering data, the value field is updated only when the mouse is clicked in the dialog, or when return is hit. These two events are equivalent as far as the script call is concerned. xdialogs can also display numerical values specified through messages. This is useful for monintoring continually changing values. Finally, if the value in a dialog is numerical, the fvalue field of the dialog is set which can in turn be used for sending out messages. The ximage is for displaying gif images. At this stage it is not sensitive to mouse events so it cannot issue script calls. The xtext is for displaying and editing text. One can either display a specified string, or a text file. A scroll bar appears in the xtext when there is too much text to display in the window.