IMPORTANT NOTICE: All project reports and sources are DUE TONIGHT (Monday, March 29th). In case you cannot make the dealine you have to see prof. Gerla, TODAY. There are grading deadlines involved.
02/24: Tomorrow the NEW ARCHIVE SET will be available. Different packs will contain
the "*", "#" (required and extensions) and the extra papers. The required pack will be made
available early in the morning. Note that the archives is the most convinient way to get
your papers but it is not the only one. 4 copies will be available but in case offer
exceeds demand, bear in mind that the library has all of the papers
02/04: The new optical references can be found in the archives and on Melvyl
02/04: Next week and every week until completion, on Monday you have to submit your progress reports to your tutor
02/04: If you have not updated the web page with your project proposal yet(!) read the next announcement. This has to be done!
You have to have your teams ready by next week (1-3 people) and signup by editing /u/class/cs218/teams yourself or send an e-mail at You can should also have a web page for more details on your projects and links to references. To do that you will also have to edit /u/class/cs218/plist.html
We have added papers in the archives. Also, since the Myrinet paper was missing from one copy of the cs218 archives here it is.