Grad Student Enrollment in Undergraduate Computer Science Classes

If you are a graduate student who wants to enroll in an undergraduate class, you must express your interest using this form. (You should be somewhere else if you're an undergrad or if you're a grad student wanting a graduate class.)

Most undergraduate students have priority over graduate students in enrolling in undergraduate CS class. During the normal enrollment period, you will not be able to enroll in an undergraduate class through MyUCLA. We've set up this form so that you can tell us what your preferences are now, before the quarter starts, so we can make plans to try to accommodate you. The sooner you fill out this form (even if it's well before MyUCLA enrollment starts), the better the planning we can do to accommodate as many grad students as we can.

Our accepting this form is not a promise you'll get in; it's merely a way for us to measure demand. We are collecting your email address, so we will contact you when there's relevant news to report. Essentially, we're asking you to please leave us alone — if it were just you (singular), we wouldn't have to say that, but you (singular) wouldn't believe how many of you (plural) there are, flooding instructors' mailboxes with similar messages. It might not be until the end of the first full week of the quarter that we issue actual PTEs.

The instructor of a course may or may not circulate a signup list the first day of class to assess any remaining demand for the class. A grad student who has not both filled out this form in a timely manner and shown up in class the first day is usually unlikely to get in.

(Note: If the online enrollment system says something about not having taken the requisite courses at UCLA, don't worry about that aspect of things. We are enforcing requisites for undergrads to manage their flow though their curriculum, and the online system has no mechanism for turning that off for grad students, for whom we have no such requisite-enforcement policy.)

If your desires change after submitting this form, submit it again with your new preferences; a later submission replaces an earlier one.

Enter your 9-digit student id:  
Enter your last name:  
Enter your first name:  
Enter your email address:  

(If you had previously signed up to express interest in taking one or more undergrad classes but are now enrolled in every undergrad class you want, so have no need for us to retain any previous request you made, we'd appreciate it if you'd let us know to erase your request by filling nothing out below this, checking this box and submitting this form. )

(Note: CS C174C is not open to grad students, and there is no offering of CS C274C this quarter.)

What is your FIRST choice of undergraduate CS class?

What is your SECOND choice of undergraduate CS class?

What is your THIRD choice of undergraduate CS class?

How many undergraduate classes would you take if you could get into them? (For example, you may have ranked two classes, but even if you could get into both, you would take only one.)

1  2  3

You are a grad student in what department?

Computer Science  Electrical and Computer Engineering  Master of Engineering program  Other:

When is your expected graduation from the graduate program?

Spring 2025  Fall 2025  Winter 2026  Later than Winter 2026