The Written Qualifying Exam (WQE) Important notice for Ph.D. Students WHAT The Written Qualifying Exam (WQE - pronounced ``Wookie'') is an exam that students in the Ph.D. program must pass. The description and syllabus for the WQE are available in: /u/class/exams/WQEdescription.txt /u/class/exams/WQEsyllabus.txt WHEN The WQE is currently scheduled for two 4-hour sessions: Monday November 22 afternoon Tuesday November 23 afternoon. HOW To take the WQE, you must sign up. * The sign-up sheet for the WQE is with Verra Morgan in the Graduate Student Office, 4403 Boelter Hall. * The deadline for signing up is Wednesday November 10. * To sign up, you must file your Fields of Study form. (This form lists your intended Major and Minor Fields, and the courses you are taking to complete them.) * You must also present your Breadth Requirement form, to show your progress toward satisfying the breadth requirement.