The source for Homework
3 has been corrected as follows, so that your crawlers don't
find the valid RURLs http://www.cs.ucla. and when applied to the
Homework 3 web page. This patch does not affect the visual
appearance of the Homework 3 web page. This patch is in GNU
diff unified format.
--- hw3.html 2003/11/07 07:57:20 1.5
+++ hw3.html 2003/11/09 07:55:50 1.6
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ $ #
$ # The following test cases were added on 2003-11-06.
$ #
-$ java GetRURLs http://www.cs.ucla.0rg/index.html; echo $?
+$ java GetRURLs http<samp>:</samp>//www.cs.ucla.0rg/index.html; echo $?
GetRURLs: error: root is not an RURL
-$ java GetRURLs; echo $?
+$ java GetRURLs http<samp>:</samp>//; echo $?
GetRURLs: error: root is not an RURL