UCLA Fall 04 CS143 Project 2
Database and the Web
Due: 1:00pm, December 7th

Past Project: Project 1
Project2 Slides Available

DB2   JDBC   Java Servlet  Port Assignment  Submission

Project Description

In this project, you learn how to design web pages that interact with a database. In your project, you will accomplish that by using DB2, JDBC and Java Servlet Server Apache Tomcat. Therefore, you will extend the queries and JDBC applications that you have mastered in Project 1, to work with Java Servlets. Although many approaches are being used to support Web-based applications, servlets provide one of the most popular and effective environments for the task. In addition, you will have to design several HTML files, with links, menus, and input windows. (You will also have an opportunity to flavor XML--the heir apparent of HTML). You will have to design and support the following HTML pages:

Main Pages and Web flow:

You can excercise much freedom in designing your web pages; the usability and appeal of your pages will be considered in scoring your project. However you must demonstrate the following:

Extra Credit (10%)

For page P1, add a checkbox "Display as XML". If that checkbox is checked, a page of XML document (instead of HTML) is displayed ( through Microsoft I.E. only). A sample XML document is here. The document you generated must satisfy a DTD (you need to define your own DTD) and will be validated using the following XML Validator.


PART I: Warm-Up

0. Read Java Servlet at SEAS.

1. Setup Tomcat
Please follow the instructions on Setting Up Tomcat Server.
After you get Tomcat ready, you can startup Tomcat on one terminal by running "startup.sh", and open another window for coding. To kill tomcat, type "CTRL-C". Please make sure you do it before you log out.

2. Test Java Servlet
We provide two two sample files to demonstrate the basic functionality of Servlets, located at /w/class.01/cs/cs143v/cs143vta/project/ directory.
Copy the files Copycat.html and Copycat.java to the appropriate directories in your own account. The Copycat.html file should be placed at ${HOME}/tomcat/webapps/ROOT directory from step 1, and the Copycat.java should be placed at ${HOME}/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.
You must compile your Java file first. Please make sure you have sourced all.env in step 1, otherwise your Java Servlet library file will not be included in the CLASSPATH.

3. After that, you are ready to run your sample Servlet:
Please open the following URL with a Web Browser (i.e., IE):
e.g., http://landfair.seas.ucla.edu:11256/Copycat.html
After you type something and submit, it will be sent to the Servlet Copycat.
The Servlet address is:
e.g., http://landfair.seas.ucla.edu:11256/servlet/Copycat

4. Understand the sample code, and read documentation from sun:

Now modify Copycat.html and Copycat.java to add new textbox and handle it in your Servlet.

You don't need to submit Part I.

Part II: the Project

Reuse the database in Project 1, and modify tables or add new tables if needed.
Follow the samples in Part I, write your own web pages and Java Servlets for Project 2.
It's very open-ended and you have your own freedom to write your codes in different ways and display it in different ways.

Submission(Deadline: 1:00pm Tuesday, December 7th)

What to Submit
The SQL script file that you use to create and load data into the database: db.sql
It needs to load at least five rating records, with insert statement.
The HTML file(s) and Java file(s) for each page in the project description (P1-P5), and the displayed web pages by your Servlets. Please capture the web pages generated from your Servlets by "view source" from your web browser menu, and copy and paste each one as an HTML file.
For Extra credit problem, your Page 2 will need extra codes to generate an XML document. Besides, you need to submit a sample generated XML page, and a DTD for that XML document.

Late Submission Policy
Late submissions will be penalized by 50 percent for each additional day (by midnight), so if you submit 2 days late, you will have no credit at all. Late submissions should be emailed to the TA as submit command won't work after the deadline.

Electronic Submission of Projects
The submit program under SEAS account allows the students to electronically turn in any type of file to the instructor.
Please put the following content in a file readme.txt: (Include your passwd as well)
and submitted as follows (you can define your own file names):
   submit cs143 db.sql  p1file  p2file  ... p5file ... p2displayed.html ...  p5displayed.html  readme.txt

Academic Honesty
Each of you is expected to submit your own original work. On many occasions it is useful to ask others (the instructor, the TA's, or other students) for hints or debugging help, or to talk generally about programming strategies. Such activity is both acceptable and encouraged, but you must indicate any assistance (human or otherwise) that you received. Any assistance received that is not given proper citation will be considered plagiarism. In any event, you are responsible for coding, understanding, and being able to explain on your own all project work that you submit.
We will pursue aggressively all suspected cases of plagiarism, and they will be handled through official University channels.
If you have any questions about this policy or about the degree to which we will pursue Honor Code violations, please discuss your concerns with the course staff immediately.