News for UCLA Computer Science 132, Fall 2007
- 2007-12-03
- Kannan fixed a small bug in the Kanga interpreter that will
sometimes cause a
ClassCastException when performing memory offset calculations.
The class copy is now fixed.
- 2007-11-27
- Homework 7 is available. It is due December 5.
Please recall that we do not accept homeworks after December 7.
- 2007-11-25
- The standard link to the Kanga interpreter seems to be broken, but
another copy is available.
- 2007-10-30
- David fixed a bug in the Piglet interpreter, and we want you to
try out the fixed version. Please use the
patched version instead of the standard Piglet
- 2007-10-05
- The Java version number in Homework 1
has been updated to 1.6.0_03, to reflect the new version of Java that Sun
released earlier this week. This version fixes some security bugs.
Please update your own copies of Java accordingly.
- 2007-09-26
© 2007 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
$Id: news.html,v 1.34 2007/12/04 00:08:49 eggert Exp $