Assignment 7. Buffer overruns

Useful pointers

Laboratory: Exploiting a buffer overrun

As usual, keep a log in the file lab7.txt of what you do in the lab so that you can reproduce the results later. This should not merely be a transcript of what you typed: it should be more like a true lab notebook, in which you briefly note down what you did and what happened.

For this laboratory, you will find and exploit a simple buffer overrun in a web server.

Consider the following patch to thttpd. This patch applies to thttpd 2.25b.

--- thttpd.c~	2005-06-29 10:50:59.000000000 -0700
+++ thttpd.c	2005-11-19 22:27:32.000000000 -0800
@@ -1588,6 +1588,7 @@ handle_read( connecttab* c, struct timev
     int sz;
     ClientData client_data;
     httpd_conn* hc = c->hc;
+    char readbuf[1024];
     /* Is there room in our buffer to read more bytes? */
     if ( hc->read_idx >= hc->read_size )
@@ -1604,7 +1605,7 @@ handle_read( connecttab* c, struct timev
     /* Read some more bytes. */
     sz = read(
-	hc->conn_fd, &(hc->read_buf[hc->read_idx]),
+	hc->conn_fd, readbuf,
 	hc->read_size - hc->read_idx );
     if ( sz == 0 )
@@ -1626,6 +1627,7 @@ handle_read( connecttab* c, struct timev
 	finish_connection( c, tvP );
+    memcpy (&(hc->read_buf[hc->read_idx]), readbuf, sz);
     hc->read_idx += sz;
     c->active_at = tvP->tv_sec;
  1. Build thttpd 2.25b with this patch applied, and run the modified thttpd on port 8080 on your host. You may find the thttpd man page useful.
  2. Verify that your web server works in the normal case.
  3. Make your web server crash by sending it a suitably-formatted request.
  4. Run your web server under GDB, and get a traceback immediately after the crash.
  5. Briefly describe how you'd go about building a remote exploit for the bug in the modified thttpd. Your exploit should allow you to run arbitrary code on the web server, with the same privileges as the web server itself.

Homework: CERT review

Suppose you have built and deployed a networked application from standard software components and are now worried that the application might be vulnerable to outside attackers via the Internet.

Assume that each of the following CERT Vulnerability Notes describes a component of your system. Rank the seriousness of each vulnerability, so that the most urgent vulnerability is listed first. (By "urgent" we mean "urgent that you stay up all night if necessary and fix this right away in your deployed system".) Justify your rankings by evaluating the plausibility of attack scenarios.


Submit the following files.

All files should be ASCII text files, with no carriage returns, and with no more than 200 columns per line. The shell command

expand lab7.txt hw7.txt |
  awk '/\r/ || 200 < length'

should output nothing.

© 2005, 2007 Paul Eggert. See copying rules.
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