Lecture 19 - Security Part 2
December 4, 2008

Compiled by Matt Dodge and Jai Kim

Table of Contents:

Shared secret key (Symmetric encryption)
Public key (asymmetric encryption)

In Asymmetric Encryption, the Public Key (U) and the Private Key (K) always come in pairs.  

Given Get Difficulty
P, U {P}U easy
{P}U, K P easy
{P}U, U P hard
U K hard

Downsides to Asymmetric Encryption:

Alice and Bob want to talk.  They share a private key K

1. Alice sends message to Bob: {"I am Alice"} (encrypted with k)
2. Bob responds: {"Ok, I believe you"} (also encrypted with k)

Authentication Problem:  Possible to have an eavesdropper (Eve)  in the first step
Alternatives: use a timestamp
    Not the best solution (has delay because of overhead of the timestamp)
Nonce: random beautiful bit string

Alice sends to Bob: "I am Alice" (unencrypted)
Bob responds: Nonce
Alice responds: {Nonce} (encrypted with K)
Bob responds: Ok

Message Authentication code (MAC)
HMAC algorithm: assumes shared secret key K
  • For added privacy:

  • HMAC: 160 bits, message: 512 bitsà24% overhead
  • Typical Authentication Example:

  • A sends to B {NonceAП "Hi I'm Alice"}U[B]
    B sends to A {NonceAПNonceB}U[A]
    A sends to B {NonceBПK}U[B]

    ^ = exclusive OR

    П = concatenation

    M = message  

    Acutal Implementations of Security 


    Authorization and Access


    Course Review