Resources for oral presentations and written reports
Oral presentations
Simon Peyton Jones's How to give a good research talk (2004)
almost makes it look easy and covers the essentials.
He's brave enough to point you to a video of himself, giving the talk.
The Science
& Engineering Library has a learning center
with equipment with which you can rehearse your
presentation. Reserve a time slot by visiting the circulation
desk in Boelter 8270.
Caroline McCullen's Student
Presentation Rubric (1997) is the sort of thing we use
when evaluating your presentation.
Barbara Gross Davis's Helping
Students Write Better in All Courses (1993) gives succinct
advice about how to teach writing. Invert the advice, and you can
learn a lot about how to write.
Proper citations are a hallmark of any solidly written report.
and Style Guides (2008) refers to several style guides; pick a
style suitable for your report and use it consistently. Especially
see its section "How to cite sources."