Assembled by: Chandni Dhanjal, Chris Oentojo, Dmitriy Vinogradov, Gurneet Chhokar.
Professor's and TAs’ email addresses and Office Hours:
Paul Eggert, BH 4532J, Mon. 12:50pm - 1:50pm, Wed. 11:00am - 12:00pm
Dan He, BH 4428, Fri. 2pm - 4pm
Ian Ku, BH 4428, Tue. 2pm - 4pm
Class Website:, and Courseweb.
Textbook: Jerry Saltzer and Frans Kaashoek, Principles of computer system design, MIT 6.033 class notes, draft release 3.1, August 2006. Available at Course Reader, 1072 Broxton Ave (across from Chipotle).
Hours/week (Official): Lecture, 6 hrs; lab, 2 hrs; outside study, 6 hrs.
Hours/week (Actual): Lecture, 3.4 hrs; lab, 1.8 hrs; outside study, 20 hrs.
Course topics:
Prerequisites: CS 32, 33 (CS 35L would be helpful).
Grading: 33% labs, 33% exams, 33% other:
Scribe notes: A group of students gets together and come up with good lecture notes. Deadline is 1 week after the lecture.
First lab: First lab is split into two, 1a and 1b. Due date for lab 1a is October 2nd, Friday, 23:59:59 PM. There are 3 “late days” available to each students, which can be either used or saved. Nothing is accepted after the last day of class. People are expected to do the assignments by themselves. It’s okay to talk about the assignments and general principles from the class.
Resources: UCLA LUG (Linux Users Group. InstallFest is on October 3rd), SEASNET accounts, Operating System resources
Course is about operating systems. Textbook is about computer systems.
A combination (of components) that performs a specific task.
OED definition: an organized or connected group of objects; a set of principles, etc., a scheme or a method. The definition is from the 1928 OED on which J. R. Tolkien was an editor. The word system comes from Greek language and means organized whole, government, constitution, a body of men or animals, a musical interval, or a group of connected verses in a poem.
American Heritage Dictionary (2000): software designed to control the hardware of a specific data processing system. “Useful.” However, modern operating systems are not made for any specific hardware but rather can run on a variety of popular hardware architectures.
Encarta (2007): a master control program in the computer.
Wikipedia (119834131): a set of computer programs that manage the hardware and software resources of a computer.
Textbook Definition: A system is a set of interconnected components that has a specified behavior observed at the interface with its environment. A lot of the skill involved in system building is invested in building an appropriate interface. This definition also applies to each of the system’s components since each component is a system within itself.
A system designer has to be able to look through multiple viewpoints and change viewpoints frequently. Here, defining the interface is crucial.
There are more transistors per chip so the operating system has to manage this complexity. Hardware is becoming much more adept at running large systems, so while designing operating systems, the main goal should be to minimize complexity.
Reading assignment: Sections 1 - 2C from the textbook.