Lecture 17 - Virtual Memory Cont.

Samantha Nano and Robert Snow

Last time: Mechanism correctness
This time: policy performance

How to pick a victim:
When physical RAM is full, you have to pick a victim to throw out, so you can bring another block in from disk. The question is, which victim?

Locality of reference (programs follow patterns – don't make victims out of recently used pages)

possible policies:

to test performance of policies use refereence strings
ex. 0 1 2 3 0 1 4 0 1 2 3 4 <= string of virtual page #'s


Assume 3 physical pages (Δ = page fault)


cost = 9 faults

4 physical pages

0 1 2 3 0 1 4 0 1 2 3 4
A Δ0 0 0 0 0 0 Δ4 4 4 4 Δ3 3
B Δ1 1 1 1 1 1 Δ0 0 0 0 Δ4
C Δ2 2 2 Δ1 1 1 1 1 Δ3 3
D Δ3 3 3 3 3 3 Δ2 2 2

3 physical page => 9pg faults
4 physical page => 10pg faults
5 physical page => 5pg faults

this is an example of Belody's Anomoly(adding cache can slow you down)

Optimal page replacement policy (Oracle subroutine)

Look into the future (ie, tail of reference string)
Look for page that isn't needed for longest time

0 1 2 3 0 1 4 0 1 2 3 4
A Δ0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Δ2 2 2
B Δ1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Δ3 3
C Δ2 Δ3 3 3 Δ4 4 4 4 4 4

cost = 7 faults

Oracle only available sometimes, for instance, a payroll program gets run nightly and generates a similar reference string every night. Because the reference string only has minor variations, we can use an oracle subroutine based on results of previous runs.

Least Recently Used (directly from temporal locality)

0 1 2 3 0 1 4 0 1 2 3 4
A Δ0 0 0 Δ3 3 3 Δ4 4 4 Δ2 2 2
B Δ1 1 1 Δ0 0 0 0 0 0 Δ3 3
C Δ2 2 2 Δ1 1 1 1 1 1 Δ4

cost = 10 faults
Usually works better than FIFO, but this is a special case designed to show Belody's.

How to implement LRU:

One level page table

In practice, counter is an estimate and might be kept in our own table only to be updated on a page fault. If it's really updated every time then we suffer huge performance hit. We could do it in hardware, but many don't want to add hardware support. When counter overflows, renormalize values.

Ideas for improving virtual memory performance

  1. better policy for replacement
  2. demand paging – don't load until program requests as opposed to read program into RAM, then execute

    N pages in program
    U pages used 0 ≤ U ≤ N
    C avg cost of reading a page
    F cost of faulting

    cost latency
    ordinary paging NC NC
    demand paging U(C+F)+UC+(U-1)F C
  3. Dirty bit – suppose the victim has never been changed, then we don't need to write it out
    1. Every time a store instr. Issued, dirty bit is updated
    2. Hardware support (many processors already do it)
    3. Mark all pages read only at first
      Update to rw on first pg fault & set dirty bit in software

2 classic VM tricks

  1. heap manager of Bourre Shell

    signal handler for SIGSEV
    it allocated memory
    sbrk(4096) - add 4096 to the "break"
    + avoid sbrk overload
    - disabled some valuable checking

  2. vfork

    acts like fork except:

      1. child and parent share memory
      2. parent is frozen until child exits or executes
    vfork+exec (don't need to clone memory)
      -non orthogonal controversal
    "lazy fork"
      child+parent get no access
      pages cloned as needed

VM efficiency
FS efficiency

Disk scheduling algorithms
pending requests of accesses to blocks on disk
FIFO is simple, execute requests in the order received
Simple model

Cost = seek time
At block I, seek to block j = |i-j|

FCFS (first come first serve)

Scheduling policy
Avg cost (assuming random access to disk)

Avg seek time is ¼ for h = .5
Avg seek time is ½ for h = 0

Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) - Always choose closest request

+ minimizes latency
+ maximizes throughput
- starvation

Elevator Algorithm (even better)

Uses SSTF but in a direction, until no more in that direction, then turns around

    + no starvation
    - not quite as good latency/throughput (higher average wait time on ends)

Circular Algorithm (better still)

Elevator with wrap around
Always scans in positive direction

+ more fair
- worse throughput & latency than elevator>
Anticipatory scheduling – dallying - wait for something close & based on reference string for wait time

Robustness constraints for file system