Lecture 17 - NFS & Introduction to Security

Authors: Oliver Doan, Patrick Brown, Phillip Chiu

Network File System

Files on an NFS are located on a server and not on clients. Clients' files do not matter to other clients or the server.

NFS Server Diagram

How do you get files from an NFS server?

File System Diagram

NFS is its own type of filesystem. It uses a mount table to connect other data areas on the server to the root. The user views this as one big data tree.

NFS protocols look similar in implementation to UNIX system calls.

Request Response
LOOKUP(dirfh, name) fh + attrs (fh = file handle)
CREATE(dirfd, name, attrs) fh + attrs
MKDIR(dirfd, name, attrs) fh +attrs
REMOVE(dirfh, name) status
RMDIR(dirfh, name) status

A file handle is a unique identifier generated by the file server (filer). It persists through system crashes and is generally short (fixed number of bits). The natural implementation of file handles is to use the inode number. Because an NFS can have multiple file systems attached to it, the device/file system number is also needed to locate a file.

Unix has no efficient way to take a device/inode number pair and actually get the data located there at the system call level.

Advantages of having an inode/device number pair:

Execution Timeline

Client A opens a file for reading. If Client B renames the file (or moves it), client A will still be able to access the file because it references the inode and not the filename. However, if Client C removes the file from the server before client A executes a read, the read operation will return failure. This is in contrast to standard UNIX protocol which does not remove a file as long as it is open (objects are pointing to it). The NFS server does not keep track of which files are currently open for reading. If this error occurs, the NFS returns errno = ESTALE to the client.

Motivation for having NFS

Using an NFS setup isolates clients from the system so that a single client failure does not affect the data.

NFS Performance

RPC Performance

NFS clients execute asynchronous reads (read ahead) in order to improve performance. Alternatively, they cache recently accessed data on the client for future access. The NFS server also uses dallying to improve write performance.

Read and write consistency is no longer guaranteed. If Client A writes data and client B attempts to read the data a very short time afterward, Client B could return the old value of the data if either A dallied on the write or if B had cached the old data.

Close and open consistency is still guaranteed however. If Client A writes and then closes the file, and client B subsequently opens and reads the file, B will always open the newest version of the file. This works because close requires all buffers to be written out and open requires the file to come from the filer and not from the buffer. This does have a performance impact as the buffers must be flushed while using close/open.

When a client attempts to write a file to the server, the NFS server is not allowed to cache this data to RAM and then respond with success. If the server crashes while the data is in RAM and has not yet been written to disk then the data is lost. Some systems allow the use of a "cheat-on-write" flag that allows this behavior. A viable alternative is to cache the data to non-volatile RAM.

NFS cluster

Example NFS setup:

System Security

NFS setups can greatly improve performance, but security is an issue.

Security needs to focus on the following items:

Threat Modeling - Likely Problems