Scribe Notes

Fall 2010, Week 10 December 3, 2010 Lecture

Eric Nam


Security Mechanisms

Require the following:


            Need to be able to prove who you are

            e.g. password

            Not perfect


            Need to make sure that data has not been tampered with

            e.g. checksums

            Not perfect: checksum collisions


            Need to be able to keep track of who does what

            e.g. access control systems (ACLs)


            Need to have no bugs!

            Bugs are exploitable so people would try to find them and use them

            (This is tough to maintain)


            Need to not seriously slow down system/performance with the above



            There are 3 different techniques to authentication:

                        1. Authentication based on something that the principal knows

                                    Like a password

                                    * The principal is the actor who is in charge and needs to be authenticated

                        2. Authentication based on something that the principal has

                                    Physical key or card

                        3. Authentication based on what the principal is

                                    Personal ID, appearance, eye scans and fingerprint scans

            We do not want any false positives or incorrect appearances!

The best method is a combination of all of the techniques.

But there are also bootstrap issues; for example in order to obtain a SEASnet account the principal needed a card (Bruincard)

And needed to look like the person on the ID.

Handing out new keys based on old keys is very common as well.



External: “Outsider wants to come in”

            Login agent (like a bouncer) in the OS but talks to outsiders

                        Has to be trusted

                        E.g. “login” in UNIX

            Possible attacks (assuming password database):

                        Password guessing / dictionary

                                    Throttle logins to fix


                                    Don’t let it happen (hard to fix)

                        Bruteforce storage /etc/passwd

                                    Encrypted passwords kept in /etc/shadow and name, and is readable only to root

                                    /etc/passwd contains public user stuff

                                    /etc/shadow tries to protect for now and later

                        Password sniffing

                                    Over the net

                                    Encrypt the data over the wire (standard)

                        Social Engineering

                                    DNS spoofing (phishing)

                                    Fraudulent server

Internal: OS records identity as different access

            Should be faster and cheaper than external authorization

                        Don’t have to do it


            Process descriptor records who you are during access (UID_t value)

                        Access decisions consultation

                        Is logged, only changeable for prviledged people/code


Case study: break in on Thanksgiving

            Occurred earlier but escalated

            SQL injection attack
                        Takes advantage of the SQL escape character syntax to inject code (queries)

                        Example normal query (correct syntax not guaranteed)

                                    ‘select * where user = “eggert”’

                        Example attack name to abuse the query

                                    Eggert” and select * where juicydetails = “foo…

                        And more.

                        If the attack is done correctly the server will interpret it as a well formed query and it returns the data that would be returned for that query, so the attackers now have the juicy details.

            During attack admin account with simple pw was hacked and used to insert security holes

            To fix:

                        Reset all the passwords, since attackers theoretically have all of them

                        Look at changes in logs for evidence of attack and rollback to before that time from backups, we have to assume that the logs are not tampered with and can be trusted

                        Users resubmit changes they have put in since that time

Controlling access to resources

Direct-mapped into address space

            Shared secret memory

            Hardware registers

            Hardware checks access (faster, but access control rules are simple)

Indirect-mapped – issue service requests (e.g. syscalls)

            Handled by trusted code

            OS checks each access (slower, but rules can be more complicated)


Let’s focus on indirect access and assume we have authization solved

            e.g. authorization checks for unlink(“a/b/c”)

                        1. Kernel looks at your uid and gid in process descriptor

                        2. Check file permission of “a/b/c”

                                    Check search permissions of “a/b/c” of current directory and a/ and a/b/

                        3. Check for write permission for a/b/ (don’t need to check c)

            Will this work?  Sample scenario:

                        Professors want to make a directory “d” available to the TAs but not students

                        “chmod a+rwx d”

                        We can’t do this because it would allow access to everybody, so we would have to call the sysadmin to make groups

Better Security Model

            “Access Control Lists”

                        getfacl, setfacl

                        Permissions and names for access for each file, users or groups

            ACLs need to be protected

                        Vary in size

                        In inode like permissions

                        Users cannot access them, only by syscalls can they be accessed

                        Only file’s owner can manipulate ACL

            Default ACL for new file?

                        Unmask for ACLs is necessary

                        Each directory has a default ACL.

            ACLs are in Solaris, Windows NT, and Linux

            They can be thought of like this: a box with dots in it



            The box is the system of ACLs and the dots are the allowed access and the blanks are the unallowed access.

            This may not be a compact enough representation, and if we have 107 files with 103 principals and 103 actions, that would make 1013 dots which would be annoying to maintain.

            ACLs need to keep it simple, which is what Capabilities are.




∙ Associated with an object, checked on each access to object

∙ At any moment in time, ACL is a centrals repository for rights to an object

∙ Size is unbounded, making access checking slow

∙ Hardware support unlikely

∙ Convenient handle for an object

∙ User must match what OS wants with checksum (generated fast, supported by hardware)

∙ They look like keys for object

∙ OS allows filtered rights easily

∙ Easily shippable over a network or even email since it is a bit pattern, but is also un-forgeable


Capabilities are like credentials but more

UNIX file descriptors are similar to capabilities

            Fewer rights than originally

            Via fork-exec, rights can be given to another program

            Fast access checking

UNIX uses both ACLs and capabilities.

Trusted Software

            UNIX login is trusted

                        Can run as root

            Setuid bit in permissions

                        0 for /bin/cat, 1 for /bin/login

            Correctness depends on trusted programs

            What software should be trusted?  We can’t trust everything.

                        “Trusted Computing Base”

                                    Includes kernel, login, passwd, libc

                                    Want it to be small and simple for correctness (less holes)

                                    These are distributed by a trusted method and checked with a SHA1 checksum hash

                                    Here, Ubuntu devs are implied to be trusted

            Ken Thompson attack

                        How to break into Ubuntu or any UNIX based system as outlined by Ken Thompson in “Reflections on Trusting Trust”

                        Change login.c such that there is a hole you can exploit

                                    For example, if your login name is “kent” then give user root

                        To avoid getting caught, leave login.c as the original and instead modify the compiler compiling the code like gcc.

                        When it’s compiling have it insert the hole in login.c

                        If don’t want to get caught in gcc then do it for whatever is compiling gcc.c and so on

                        Since the original UNIX code is changed the hole lives on in its variants

                        Can avoid this by using different (not tampered compilers) or use gdb, but can you trust these?