Lecture 2 Scribe Notes
By Meng Zhang, Diana Angwar
á Protection
á Robustness
á Utilization
á Performance
á Flexibility
á Simplicity
Example Problem:
v tar cf archive.tar /home
[Where what 'cf' does is creates the archive, 'archive.tar' is drive no.2 and contains sensitive data, '/home' is drive no.1 and runs as root]
If the attacker wants to get the protected private file in /home/victim/private/loveletter.txt,
What the attacker can do is:
á Create a directory d: /home/attacker/d
á Then: rm d
á ln -s .. /victim/private d
tar image will then contain:
v We can restore from an archive:
tar xf archive.tar
[where 'xf' does extract from archive]
In Virtual Memery:
ln –s /home /victim/loveletter foo
Dependence on Race Condition:
1. Tar looks at file
2. Acts based on type
Attacker need to attack between 1 and 2
Simple application for paranoid grant proposals:
á Word count program
á Standalone desktop x86
á UI
1. Turn on the power
2. Answer(nimber of words in proposal) displayed on the screen
Input: ASCII text, terminated by a null byte
Word = [A-Z, a-z]+
Disk 100GB ATA 300
[We need to write a program to get the word count program off the disk and onto main]
Problem: How do you get started?
Originally: key in machine instruction from toggles on front panel
(BIOS, canÕt change it, but need to be safe)
BIOS ---- OS-Independent
On power-on:
1. Hardware checks
2. Looks for devices
3. Find one that looks bootable, boots it.
MBR – Master Boot Record
MBR is typically operating system agnostic. It loads Volume Boot Records from start of 1st bootable partitions.
Chain loading: BIOS -> MBR -> VBR -> kernel of OS
In Linux : BIOS -> MBR -> VBR -> GRUB -> Kernel
Disk Layout:
One partition |
WC Program |
1 File |
0 |
0x 1000000
Memory Layout:
0x 7000 0x 10000 0x100000
WC program |
Programmed I/O:
Disk Controller registers
ln b lnsn (Copy byte from disk controller register to CPU)
ln b: in byte.
lnsn: instruction.
To read sector i:
Wait until controller is ready 0X 1F7
Store number of sectors into 0X 1F2
Store sector offset into 0X 1F3 – 6 (232 sectors 29 byte/sector = 241 bytes= 2TB)
Store READ command into 0X 1F7
Wait for ready
Get result later into CPU -> store into RAM
read_ide_sector(int s, charbuf[512]){
While((inb(0x1F7) & 0x c0) != 0x40)
outb(0x1F2,1); //prepare to read sector 1
outb(0x1F3, s & 0xFF); //initialize the sector offset
outb(0x1F4, (s>>8) & 0xFF);
outb(0x1F5, (s>>16) & 0xFF);
outb(0x1F6, (S>>24) & 0xFF);
outb(0x1F7, 0x20); //send read command and wait for IDE()
insl(0x1F0, buf, 128);//copy 128 words to location pointer, in units of 4bytewords
VBR (or MBR):
for( i=1; i<20; i++)
read_ide_sector(i, 0x10000 + (i-1)*512);
go to 0x10000;
int main(void){
int nwords = 0;
bool inword = false;
int s = 1000000000/512; //rounding down to nearest sector
char buf[512];
for(int j=0;j<512; j++){
if(int j=0; j<512; j++){
return 0;}
//unsigned char is because it is only works on non-negative value
bool this alpha = isalpha((unsigned char) buf[j]);
In order to write (inword), certain addresses map directly to the I/O display.
0x B8000
Memory-Mapped Display |
What the catch that can go wrong?
I/O error when trying to write of the OS because it has bad system and if there is null byte in it then it will fall off.