CS 111: Lecture 8
Scribe Notes for 10/19/10
by Cristina Cano, Aniket DasScheduling
Preemptive Schedulers
Preemptive scheduling is implemented using clock interrupts at regular intervals, called the quantum. At these intervals, the scheduler interrupts the currently running process and actively changes control to another process, if available. The following sub-sections describe two types of preemptive schedulers.
First Come First Serve (aka: FCFS, round-robin)
Preemptive scheduling can be implemented using the "first come, first serve" strategy discussed in Lecture 7. In this implementation, processes are queued in the order in which they arrive to be scheduled. However, processes may not necessarily run to completion. After the quantum time interval passes, the scheduler regains control and will add the current process to the end of the queue and switch to the next queued process. Consider the following example, where the quantum is 2 seconds and k indicates the length of time to complete a context-switch.
Process | Alive time | Work time | Wait time | Turnaround time |
A | 0 | 3 | 0 | 8+4k |
B | 1 | 1 | 1+k | 2+k |
C | 2 | 7 | 1+2k | 13+8k |
D | 3 | 4 | 2+3k | 9+6k |
NOTE: '-' indicates a context switch
In this example, the overall average wait time is a very low 1+1.5k and the average turnaround time is 8+4.75k.
If we consider a smaller quantum, then the average wait time will decrease (since each process will get a chance to start sooner) and the average turnaround time will increase (since each process will have to wait longer to terminate).
With this approach, longer jobs will have much longer throughput times than with a non-preemptive FCFS scheduler. Even in cases where there are no additional jobs to schedule, the time for context-switching will compound the process's throughput time.
Shortest Job First (SJF)
Very similar to the non-preemptive implementation of SJF scheduling, preemptive SJF scheduling will interrupt the currently running process to schedule the shortest job available to run. In this case, starvation becomes a critical issue, as long jobs can be indefinitely 'starved' from getting processing time by the queueing of many small jobs.
Priority Schedulers
The examples above are specific cases of a priority scheduler. A priority scheduler schedules the highest priority process first. These priorities can be attributed to different properties of the process. For example, a priority value that is attributed to shortest process size would be the same as a Shortest Job First scheduler. Priority values that are attributed to arrival time would be the definition of FCFS schedulers.
There is a terminalogy problem that arises when using the concept of priorities in a quantatative form. A higher priority has a smaller priority value. This fact can create some contradictions when writing the scheduler. To fix this problem, the developers of Linux, assign "niceness" values to processes rather than priority values. The contradiction does not exist for "niceness".
Priorites can be established by either user or the kernel. User implemented priorities are called External Priorities, while ones set by the kernel and system are called Internal Priorities
Real-time Schedulers
All the schedulers described thus far can be considered best-effort schedulers. In these implementations, there aren't much if any penalties for not completing a task within a time frame. While this implementation works well for most systems in the world, it would not work for time-dependent systems (such as, car braking systems or nuclear power plants). For such systems, a real-time scheduler is used.
Real-time schedulers emphasize the deadline over all other aspects. The systems can differing values of emphasis. Systems for where there are major penalties for missing a deadlies would use a hard real-time scheduler. Soft real-time schedulers are used for systems with minor penalties for missing deadlines.
The emphasis on deadlines does not always translate to a drive for performance. In fact, most real-time systems give up performance in favor of predictability. For example, if there are two algorithms with one of them being slightly slower but consistent in runtime and the other one being faster but more volatile, a real-time scheduler will prefer the slower algorithm. The predictabiltiy of the system allows the scheduler to allot deadlines that the process will not miss.
Scaling Concerns
There are problems with standard schedulers that don't become apparent until you are on a large scale. When there are thousands of threads trying to access one CPU, the scheduler becomes a bottleneck for the threads. In the case of multiple cores or CPUs, a scheduler that is multi-core aware and doesn't induce race conditions is difficult to implement. Even then, this approch doesn't work when there are hundreds of CPUs.
File Descriptors and Race Conditions
Race conditions are possible between two processes that are trying to access the same file. Consider the following examples.
Example 1: File removed by another process
//Process A
1 fd = open("/tmp/foo", O_RDONLY);
2 char buf[1000];
3 size_t n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
//Process B
1 unlink("/tmp/foo");
If Process B executes its unlink
between Process A's
lines 1 and 2, then we will run into an error when Process A attempts
to execute line 3. Namely, Process A will try to read from the file
after it has been unlinked by Process B.
It is important to note that files are kept around in a program if either: (a) there is a hard link to it from some directory, or (b) a process has the file open. Additionally, processes can communicate with each other via files.
Consider two process, C and D, which both attempt to open the file
with read-write permissions at the same time.
Here, race conditions are possible because it is uncertain which
process will open the file with the both the write permission.
To help avoid this race condition, we can have processes secure file access with a lock. In practice, introducing file locks introduces additional issues. In particular, Unix considers file locks to be purely advisory; if a process 'rudely' opens a file without first requesting a lock, then that process will be allowed to do so. Thus, file locking is ineffective at preventing malicious side effects caused by an uncooperative process. If all processes are cooperative, they can avoid race conditions. Enforcing mandatory locks is also not ideal, since a process may acquire a lock and be set into an infinite loop, essentially deadlocking the file such that no other process can ever access it.
Example 2: Creating a temporary file
1 fd = open("/tmp/temp", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666);
//leaving out error code checks
2 char buf[1000];
3 read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); //assumption is that you can still
//access file if you still have fd
4 write(fd, /*details omitted*/);
5 close(fd);
Having two concurrent instances of this program will cause a crash because we will attempt to create and secure permissions to temporary files of the same name.
We can attempt to solve this by appending the PID of the process creating the temporary file to the created file name. Doing so still leaves a problem if the same thread/process is attempting to create the file.
We can attempt to solve this by appending a random string R to the file name. However, processes can still generate the same random string.
We can attempt to solve this again by checking for a unique random string S to append append to the created file name.