News for UCLA Computer Science 35L, Fall 2010
- 2010-11-29
- Assignment 10 is available.
It differs slightly from its preliminary version.
- 2010-11-19
- A typo in Assignment 8 has been fixed
by replacing "Use this key to clearsign your submissions as
described below" with "Use this key to create a detached
signature for your submission so that the commands described below can
successfully verify it".
- 2010-11-11
- 2010-10-06
- Assignment 2's submission
instructions have been corrected by replacing "fmv fmv2 fmv3"
with "remdup".
- 2010-10-05
- Caleb's and Defeng's office hours will be in Boelter 3770
from now through October 12, due to office renovation. They will
return to Boelter 4428 after that.
- 2010-10-04
- Dr. Eggert's Monday office hours have been changed
from 12:50–13:50 to 11:50–12:50.
- 2010-09-29
- Brian's office hours are Wednesdays 13:00–14:00 and
Fridays 16:00–17:00 in Boelter 3815.
- 2010-09-28
- Defeng's office hours are Fridays 12:00–14:00 in Boelter 4428.
- 2010-09-26
- We'll be handing
out Ubuntu desktop
10.04.1 CD-ROMs (ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso, md5sum
9a95ed6f6ec38fb58c446dba1add6a08). We also have an image that
would work better for CS 35L, except that it is too big to fit on
CD-ROMs. If you want to create a USB stick (which is much faster
than CD-ROMs) you will benefit from using this image instead of
the standard Ubuntu 10.04.1 image, since you won't have to also
download Emacs, vim, etc. You can get this image from the "Ubuntu
for CS35L/CS111" entry
of Keith
Stevens's useful links page, or
from our cached copy as of September
24 (md5sum 6833cffc59a938c02f1343ad738ab255). To install this
image onto a USB stick, you can
try UNetbootin,
which Ubuntu
has packaged
and which you can download like any other package. We suggest
using a USB stick that has at least 4 GB free.
- Caleb's office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00–12:00
in Boelter 4428.
- 2010-09-24
- 2010-09-22
- Tentative due dates have been adjusted in the assignments,
to match this quarter's schedule better. The first assignment
is due October 1.
- We'll be using a different distribution than the special one
mentioned in the 09-20 news. Details will be supplied later.
- Caleb and Defeng are switching sections, so that Caleb is teaching
Lab 3 and Defeng Lab 1. The registrar's listings have not been
updated yet.
- 2010-09-20
A download (735 MB) is available of the Ubuntu distribution we'll be using at first. We'll hand out a copy in the first lab. It'll be helpful (though not essential) to bring a USB drive to the first lab. Experts are welcome to use another recent Linux distribution.
- Assignment 1 is available. Please
see Assignments for tentative later
- Check that your
account works right away, as there are occasionally delays before
your account is activated.
© 2010 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
$Id: news.html,v 1.98 2010/11/29 18:25:43 eggert Exp $