News for UCLA Computer Science 130, Fall 2011
- 2011-09-28
- The software requirements specification is due October 7, not
tomorrow; the date was correct on the syllabus but incorrect on
the homework page, and the homework page has been corrected.
Note that this due date is distinct from the prototype due date
for the project requirements: that due date will be established
as part of your project schedule.
- Justin's office hours are Mondays 11:30–12:30 and
17:30–18:30 in Boelter 2432.
- 2011-09-28
- The instructor's office hours have been changed slightly
by adding 15 minutes to the Wedneday start and stop times.
The Wednesday hours are now 09:45–10:45.
- 2011-09-26
- Due to our textbooks not being available in the student store,
tomorrow's quiz will cover only the McConnell and Sommerville chapters
that are available online. The remaining part of tomorrow's reading
will be covered in October 4 quiz.
- 2011-09-22
- The
XSEDE Scholars Program is actively looking for students
interested in gaining expertise in computational sciences.
You can apply online;
the deadline is September 30.
- 2011-09-21
- Obtain or renew your SEASnet
Computing Facility account right away,
as there are occasionally delays before
your account is activated.
© 2011 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
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