CS 111 : Lecture 1 : Scribe Notes

Fall 2014

By Ryan Trihernawan and Justine Bateman-Fluent

Recommended Classes

  1. CS 131 – Programming languages
  2. CS 151B – Architecture
  3. CS 118 – Networking



Late submission policy:

2^(N-1) points out of 100 taken off the assignment for N days late

A quote about operating system by Marina Weisband of Pirate Party DE, Germany:

“We don’t offer ready made program but an entire operating system”

Definition of a system:

  1. Oxford English Dictionary (1928):
  2. In Greek:

Definition of an operating system:

  1. Encarta (2007):
  2. American Heritage Dictionary (2000):
  3. Wikipedia 626493180 (2014-09-21):
  4. Textbook:

System design

Systems "nest". Big systems operate by connecting with little systems.


Our classroom is a “furniture system”, an “electrical system”, an “audio/visual system”

These systems are interconnected. E.g., an electrical action can be heard and observed by the A/V system. If you were to redesign the room, you would bring in experts of the different systems. Each expert would design a system from their point of view. You need someone to coordinate it all.

Build bigger systems out of small systems.


Problems with designing and using computer systems

  1. Scaling


Next lecture: Professor Eggert will show how complex an OS can be.