- Ease of interface/use/simplicity: should be easy to use
- Reliability/robustness/durability: should handle abnormal input,
errors, situations.
- Efficiency: should be efficient
- Mutability/flexibility: change in one module does not affect the
other modules
- Security: protect user and user's data
Fundamental Abstractions for Systems
1. Memory API
Memory is the system component that remembers data values for use in computation. All memory devices fit a simple abstract model that has two operations, named WRITE and READ:
*p = v //write
(*p) //read
- Issues to be considered:
- total size
- word size (e.g: x86 8-bit word): Memory is often accessed in
fixed length, like bytes, words (a small integer number of bytes,
typically 2, 4, or 8), lines (several words), and blocks (a number
of bytes, usually a power of 2)
- speed (latency & throughput)
- volatility: A volatile memory consumes energy to store
information, if its power supply is interrupted, it forgets its
stored information. A non-volatile memory does not require energy to
keep information stored.
- linear vs associative addressing: Linear addressing is
addressing by its location, while associate addressing is addressing
by the virtue of the data/content stored.
- coherence (atomic r/w access): Read/write coherence means that the result of the READ of a named cell is always the same as the most recent WRITE to that cell.
2. Interpreters API
Interpreters are the active elements of a computer system, they
perform the actions that constitute computations. Examples: disk
controller, Python.
v = f (p)
| | |
answer interpreter program
- Issues to be considered:
- Efficiency (hardware support coded)
- Interrupts: Interrupts catch the attention of the interpreter,
rather than the program.
- Tey should be "saft"
- Cons
- Require hardware support (virtualized processors)
3. Linked API - Message Passing API
A communication link provides a way for information to move
between physically separated components.(e.g. I/O bus)
send(link_name, buffer of data)
recv(line_name, buffer of data)
Design OS as an Object-Oriented Program
- Classes for I/O device, bus, Memory, Interpreter...Each
fundemental parts, plus other functions(the rood not
- Downsides:
- C++ has more pointer tracing, more flexible
and more complex for compliers, which may take a long time
- Using Message Passing
- Network is abstract on way
- Kernel can be anywhere
- Downsides:
- Buffer Storage: needs serialization (tough on
- Performance issues (needs copy)
- Using Link API
- Downsides:
- requires HW support (virtualizable
How Virtual Machine Work
- ALU & Registers =>user code access actual ALU & Regs at full speed
- Primary RAM =>want full speed access to some physical memory
and defy access to other
- I/O device =>very slow so that it is ok to make it a little
- Other Resource: time => may let interpretors give up after 1s running
We divide OS into layers
Wedding Cake
A wedding cake/ring diagram shows system privilege
Ring 0 | kernel |
Ring 1 | devices |
Ring 2 | daemons |
Ring 3 | app |
In Linux: Ring 0 ~ Ring 2 => Ring 0, Ring 3 = Ring
Instructions can be divided into two sets:
1. Priviledged instructions
These are dangerous instructions, only kernel can execute them, applications cannot execute priviledged instructions. Applications ask the kernel to execute these intructions through system calls.
2. Unpriviledged instructions
Normal instructions, can be executed by applications.
Operating System & Virtualizable Processor
Let you support a process (namely, program) running in isolation (on a virtual interpreter). The program thinks of it as a standalone program running on a virtual machine.
In Unix-like systems, fork() is an operation whereby a
process creates a copy of itself. It is usually a system call,
implemented in the kernel. Fork is the primary (and historically,
only) method of process creation on Unix-like operating
To create a process:
pid_t fork(void); (in c/c++)
fork() clones the current process (registers, stacks, ...)
fork() returns 0 in child process, and child process' process id in
parent process, or -1 if fork() fails.
To destroy a process: (2 ways)
(1) _noreturn void exit(int); // no return attribute
//exit status is a 8-bit integer, 0~255
(2) _exit(int);
- (1) is a library function, it flushes output buffers.
- (2) is a system call, it calls int 0x80 and kernel will take over
and destroy the process.
They immediately terminates the current process, close all file descriptors belonging to the process, and return the exit status according to the given integer value.
Following is a code that shows how fork() works:
int main(void){
pid_t p = fork();
if (p == 0)
printf("I'm a child\n");
printf("I'm a parent\n");
Suppose we have one physical CPU, and more than one
processes. Each of these processes consider itself as the only
process running on the system. How can the OS manages those
processes at the same time? We use a process table (lives in memory)
to store information for a process like: process id, register values
(eip, esp, eax, ebx, ...), exit status, and so on. When the OS wants
to switch to another process, the values in registers are stored
into the process table. And when OS reruns a process, it first load
all the register values from the process table and put them back
into registers.
while calling fork() to create a child
- Find an empty space in process descriptor table and get pid.
- Copy parent's register & stack into child's register & stack
in process descriptor.
- write over parent->regs->eax = child pid
- write over child->regs->eax = 0
How process scheduling works
- Suppose a process does a read()
read(fd, buffer, 1000);
- Then receive an interrupt signal: int 0x80
- OS save current process in register (process table)
- Resume some other process from the table
How does process access to memory?
Each process has its own view of memory; they may share some part of memory if there is not a collision.
How exit() works in a program
pid_t p = fork();
_exit(2); //SYSCALL
int main(void){
return 0;
} // => exit(0);
pid_t waitpid(pid_t p, int *status, int flag); //destructor for process
| | |
pid of location normally, 0,
waited-for to store WNOHANG
process its status
- Return value: on success, returns the process id of the child
process; if WNOHANG was specified and one or more child(ren)
specified by pid exist, but have not yet changed state, then 0
is returned; if error occurs, -1 is returned.
- Stores the exit status of the child process to *status.
- For the flag, 0 means that the parent process has to wait for the child process to be finished, while WNOHANG means do not wait.
- Any child process that exists becomes a zombie process, exit() doesn't remove that process' entry from process table. The finished process will wait until waitpid() is called on it, then its entry in the process table is cleaned up and can be reused by another process.
A fork() process may work in this way...
fork(); //- parent process
run_child(); //- child process
exit(); //- child process
waitpid(); //- parent process
run_parent(); //- parent process
exit(); //- parent process
A fork() BOMB!
while (fork() == 0)
parent -> child -> grandchild ->......
parent -> child -> gradchild
-> ...
-> child -> ...
It will return -1 with an errno(..) once the process table is
-> Bounded queue of bytes stored in the kernel
To invoke the pipe syscall:
int pipe(int fd[2])
two file descriptors (typically 1 read 1 write)
- the reading process hangs if no data yet
- A file descriptor (FD) is an abstract indicator for accessing a
file, an integer in Linux