News for UCLA Computer Science 131, Fall 2015
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Here are news items that affect the core assignments and
class material.
- 2015-11-12
- Homework 5 has new advice about
running Scheme programs vs Racket programs.
- 2015-11-08
Homework 5 typos have been fixed as follows.
- "evaluate the expression returned by (test-compare-expr
x y)" → "evaluate the expression
returned by (compare-expr
x y)"
- test-compare-expr should return a true value if
both tests succeed, and should return #f otherwise.
- The sample definitions of test-x and test-y
were missing quotes (') at the start.
- 2015-11-05
- Homework 4 has been improved, first
by giving a working URL to a no-op KenKen puzzle, second by saying
in a bit more detail what's expected from the spec for the no-op KenKen API.
- A few typos in Homework 5 have been
fixed: "otherwise has the same behavior as x" has
been changed to "otherwise has the same behavior
as y", and Racket's quoting behavior has been explained better.
- Homework 5 is available.
- 2015-10-30
- 2015-10-06
- 2015-09-28
Seunghyun's office hours are Wednesdays 17:30–18:30 and
Thursdays 13:30–14:30 in Boelter 2432. Joe's are Mondays
17:30–18:30 and Wednesdays 09:00–10:00, also in
Boelter 2432.
- 2015-09-23
- Homework 1 is available.
- Obtain or renew your SEASnet
account right away, as there are occasionally delays before
your account is activated.
Here are suggestions if you're
interested in the course but are neither enrolled nor on the waiting list.
Read Enrollment in
Undergraduate Computer Science Classes and follow its advice.
Any PTEs are not typically given out until the end of the second week,
to make sure that enough resources are available.
You can try coming to classes before then.
Sign up on any attendance sheet that is being passed around.
© 2015 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
$Id: news.html,v 1.516 2015/11/09 04:54:50 eggert Exp eggert $