Assignment 10. Computer science research and development

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Useful pointers

Laboratory: Research News Reading

Read one of the stories referenced in the three recent issues of ACM TechNews mentioned above, or any more-recent issue. Pick a story that nobody else in the class is covering; coordinate with your T.A. to make sure you are avoiding duplicates. Write a brief review of the story. Your review should cover the main idea and give your reaction to it, focusing on possible applications. In your review, when possible refer to related work, which you discovered using Google Scholar or one of the other references mentioned above. A suggested length is 400 to 1200 words per topic. Tables, graphs, and images are welcome; the key point is to summarize the meat of the topic for a computer science expert who may not know this particular topic in detail.

Prepare a brief presentation of your review, and present it to the rest of the class. Coordinate with your T.A. about scheduling your presentation.

See Resources for oral presentations and written reports for advice about what what we're looking for in your review and presentation. For example, for each citation in your review, please include a working link to a freely-readable copy if available, and include a DOI if available.


Submit the following files.

It may also help to submit the original versions of your work (e.g., review.odt) in case there are problems with the PDF versions.

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