Smashing lab
This assignment investigates an old-fashioned way of breaking into
systems executing x86 machine code, along with a couple of machine-level
defenses against this attack. It's chosen not to give you a
toolkit to break in to other sites – the method is well-known
and ought to be commonly defended against nowadays – but
instead, to give a general idea of how an attacker can break into a
system by exploiting behavior that is undefined at the C level but
defined at the machine level, and what we can do about it at the
machine level.
Useful pointers
Keep a log
Keep a log in the file smashinglab.txt of what you do
in the lab so that you can reproduce the results later. This should
not merely be a transcript of what you typed: it should be more like a
true lab notebook, in which you briefly note down what you did and
what happened. The log should help us verify that you've done the
steps listed below, so that we can in principle reproduce them.
For example, if one of the steps says "get a backtrace", make sure
the backtrace goes into the log.
That's a nice little program you got there. Shame if anything were to happen to it
Consider the following patch
to sthttpd. This patch
applies to sthttpd 2.27.0, and
deliberately introduces a bug into it. The idea is to suppose the
the original programmer wrote this version by mistake.
--- sthttpd-2.27.0/src/thttpd.c 2014-10-02 15:02:36.000000000 -0700
+++ sthttpd-2.27.0-delta/src/thttpd.c 2015-04-30 19:15:24.820042000 -0700
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ static void
read_config( char* filename )
FILE* fp;
- char line[10000];
+ char line[100];
char* cp;
char* cp2;
char* name;
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ read_config( char* filename )
exit( 1 );
- while ( fgets( line, sizeof(line), fp ) != (char*) 0 )
+ while ( fgets( line, 1000, fp ) != (char*) 0 )
/* Trim comments. */
if ( ( cp = strchr( line, '#' ) ) != (char*) 0 )
--- sthttpd-2.27.0/src/libhttpd.c 2014-10-03 11:43:00.000000000 -0700
+++ sthttpd-2.27.0-delta/src/libhttpd.c 2017-05-22 11:22:11.235627000 -0700
@@ -4078,7 +4078,7 @@ httpd_ntoa( httpd_sockaddr* saP )
else if ( IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED( &saP->sa_in6.sin6_addr ) && strncmp( str, "::ffff:", 7 ) == 0 )
/* Elide IPv6ish prefix for IPv4 addresses. */
- (void) strcpy( str, &str[7] );
+ (void) memmove( str, &str[7], strlen (&str[7]) + 1 );
return str;
Steps to illustrate and defend against the bug
- Make sure that /usr/local/cs/bin is at the start of
your PATH; the command which gcc should output
- Build sthttpd with this patch applied.
Assuming you are building with /usr/local/cs/bin/gcc,
configure it with the shell command:
./configure \
LDFLAGS="-Xlinker --rpath=/usr/local/cs/gcc-$(gcc -dumpversion)/lib"
Compile it three times, with
the following sets of compiler options:
- (SP) for strong stack protection:
- -g3 -O2 -fno-inline -fstack-protector-strong
- (AS) for address sanitization:
- -g3 -O2 -fno-inline -fsanitize=address
- (NO) for neither:
- -g3 -O2 -fno-inline -fno-stack-protector -zexecstack
Call the resulting
executables src/thttpd-sp, src/thttpd-as,
and src/thttpd-no. You can do this with, for example,
the command make clean followed by make
CFLAGS='-g3 -O2 -fno-inline -fstack-protector-strong' and
then by mv src/thttpd src/thttpd-sp and similarly for
the other two variants.
- Run each of the modified sthttpd daemons under GDB
on port (12330 + 3 * (X % 293) + Y) on one of the SEASnet
GNU/Linux servers, where X is your
9-digit student ID and Y is either 1, 2, or 3 depending on which
variant of the daemon you're running (1=SP, 2=AS, 3=NO). For example,
if your student ID is 123-456-789, (12330 + 3 * (123456789 % 293) + 1)
equals 12532, so you can run the command src/thttpd-sp -p 12532
-D; the -p option specifies the port number and
the -D is for debugging. You may find
the thttpd
man page useful.
- Verify that your web servers work in the normal case.
You can use the curl command to do this, e.g.,
the shell command curl http://localhost:12532/foo.txt
where foo.txt is a text file in the working directory
of your HTTPD server. The shell command man curl will
give you more information about curl.
- Make variant SP crash by invoking it in a suitable way.
Run it under GDB, and get a backtrace immediately after
the crash. Identify which machine instruction caused the crash, and why.
- Make variant AS crash by invoking it in a similar way.
Similarly, get a backtrace for it, and identify the machine
instruction that crashed it and wy.
- Likewise for variant NO.
- Generate the assembly language
code for thttpd.c three times, one for each variant,
by using gcc -S rather than gcc -c -g3
when compiling the file. (Use the same -O and -f
flags as before.)
Call the resulting
files src/thttpd-sp.s
and src/thttpd-as.s
and src/thttpd-no.s. Compare the three
assembly-language files' implementations of the handle_read
function. Describe the techniques used
by -fstack-protector-strong
and -fsanitize=address to prevent buffer-overrun
exploits in handle_read.
- Build an exploit for the bug in variant NO that relies on
the attacker tricking the victim into invoking thttpd
with a particular value for the -C option.
(Admittedly this is not
much of an exploit, but we don't want you to have to put more easily
exploitable HTTP servers on our network.) Your
exploit should cause the victim web server that is invoked via GDB
with -C to remove the
file victim.txt in the working directory of the web server.
Or, if such an exploit is impossible, explain why not, and
investigate simple ways to alter the compiler flags (or, in the
worst case, to insert plausible bugs into the source code) to make
the exploit possible.
Submit the files smashinglab.txt, thttpd-sp.s,
thttpd-as.s, and thttpd-no.s
as described above, along with any other files needed to explain
your exploit.
All text files should be ASCII files, with no
carriage returns, and with no more than 200 columns per line.
For example, the shell
expand smashinglab.txt thttpd-sp.s thttpd-as.s thttpd-no.s |
awk '/\r/ || 200 < length'
should output nothing.
© 2015, 2018 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
$Id: smashinglab.html,v 1.7 2018/09/26 20:56:56 eggert Exp $