Write a three-page report on a current operating systems topic.
Your audience for this report is a busy computer science professional
who knows operating systems but may not be an expert in this
particular area, and who has hired you to produce a short summary of
what is important. Assume that your boss leads the
information-technology R&D staff of a large aerospace corporation that
develops, integrates and maintains software in both technical and
financial areas specific to the company.
Reading list and topics
Each topic for this assignment is illustrated by a single article
published in ACM Computing
Surveys (CSUR). Your report should summarize and critique
one article taken from the following list. The report's critique
should answer questions like: what is the importance of the topic
for your organization? what are the article's strengths and
weaknesses? are there important results published after the survey
was written? Some of the topics are fairly large; the intent is
that you focus on the operating system aspects of each topic, and
not other technical components, management, economics, or
Ren J, Zhang D, He S, Zhang Y, Li T.
A survey on end–edge–cloud orchestrated network
computing paradigms: Transparent Computing, Mobile Edge Computing,
Fog Computing, and Cloudlet.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(6):125.
Celik ZB, Fernandes E, Pauley E, Tan G, McDaniel P.
Program analysis of commodity IoT applications for security and privacy:
challenges and opportunities.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(4):74.
Van Glabbeek R, Höfner P.
Progress, justness, and fairness.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(4):69.
Adhikari M, Amgoth T, Srirama SN.
A survey on scheduling strategies for workflows in cloud
environment and emerging trends.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(4):68.
Mengistu TM, Che D.
Survey and taxonomy of volunteer computing.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(3):59.
Maiza C, Rihani H, Rivas HM, Goossens J, Altmeyer S, Davis RI.
A survey of timing verification techniques for multi-core
real-time systems.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(3):56.
Wenzl M, Merzdovnik G, Ullrich J, Weippl E.
From hack to elaborate technique—a survey on binary rewriting.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(3):49.
Röger H, Mayer R.
A comprehensive survey on parallelization and elasticity in stream
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(2):36.
Oz I, Arslan S.
A survey on multithreading alternatives for soft error fault tolerance.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(2):27.
Patil R, Modi C.
An exhaustive survey on security concerns and solutions at
different components of virtualization.
ACM Comput Surv. 2019;52(1):12.