Write a 1½-page report on a current operating systems topic. Your audience for this report is a busy computer science professional who knows operating systems but may not be an expert in this particular area, and who has hired you to produce a short summary of what is important. Assume that your boss leads the information-technology R&D staff of a large aerospace corporation that develops, integrates and maintains software in both technical and financial areas specific to the company.
Each topic for this assignment is illustrated by a single article published. Your report should summarize and critique one article taken from the following list. The report's critique should answer questions like: what is the importance of the topic for your organization? which parts of the topic are most important? what are the article's strengths and weaknesses? Some of the topics are fairly large; the intent is that you focus on the operating system aspects of each topic, and not other technical components, management, economics, or politics.
Submit on Bruin Learn a 1½-page report in PDF form. Your report should follow the guidelines in Resources for written reports and oral presentations, in particular its guidelines for citing others, for USENIX templates for papers, and for how to write good papers. It is OK to go a bit over 1½ pages if the excess material consists merely of figures and/or citations.