Operating systems resources for UCLA Computer Science 111
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SEASnet and other local resources
- You can do some of your labs on the UCLA SEASnet Computing
Facility's Linux
servers for CS classes.
Use one of the hosts
lnxsrv11, lnxsrv12,
lnxsrv13, or lnxsrv15,
with /usr/local/cs/bin
prepended to your PATH.
You can do this by executing the shell command "export
PATH=/usr/local/cs/bin:$PATH" after logging in, or more
conveniently by putting that shell command into
your $HOME/.profile file (but test this file by logging
in via a separate session before logging out of your first session!).
You can also develop your labs on your own system,
although unless otherwise specified we will test on
the SEASnet servers so it’s good to test on SEASnet before submitting.
If installing and/or repartitioning your system for GNU/Linux
is too daunting you can
try one of the following instead:
- UPE Tutoring
has regular office hours to help with this course,
along with occasional review sessions.