Software Interface Standards


Over two thousand years ago, Carthage defined standard component sizes for their naval vessels, so that parts from one ship could be used to repair another. Slightly more recently, George Washington gave Eli Whitney a contract to build 12,000 muskets with interchangeable parts. The standardization of component interfaces makes it possible to successfully combine or recombine components made at different times by different people.

In the last half-century we have seen tremendous advances in both electronics and software, many of which are attributable to the availability of powerful, off-the-shelf components (integrated circuits, and software packages) that can be used to design and develop new products. We no longer have to reinvent the wheel for each new project, freeing us to focus our time and energy on the novel elements of each new design. As with ship and musket parts, the keys to this are interchangeability and interoperability: confidence that independently manufactured components will fit and work together. This confidence comes from the availability of and compliance with detailed component specifications.

In the early days of the computer industry, much key software (operating systems, compilers) was developed by hardware manufacturers, for whom compatibility was an anti-goal. If a customer's applications could only run on their platform, it would be very expensive/difficult for that customer to move to a competing platform. Later, with the rise of Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and killer applications, the situation was reversed:

If applications are to be readily ported to all platforms, all platforms must support the same services. This means that we need detailed specifications for all services, and comprehensive compliance testing to ensure the correctness and compatibility of those implementations.

The other big change was in who the customers for computers and software were. In the 1960s, most computers were used in business and technology, and the people who used computers were professional programmers: trained and prepared to deal with the adverse side effects of new software releases. Today, most computers are in tablets, phones, cars, televisions, and appliances; and the people who use them are ordinary consumers who expect them to just work. These changes imply that:

But the number of available applications, and the independent development and delivery of OS upgrades and new applications make it impossible to test every application with every OS version (or vice versa). If the combinatorics of the problem render complete testing impossible, we have to find another way to ensure that whatever combination of software components wind up on a particular device will work together. And again, the answer is detailed specifications and comprehensive compliance testing.

The last forty years have seen a tremendous growth in software standards organization participation (both by technology providers and consumers) and the the scope, number, and quality of standards.

Challenges of Software Interface Standardization

When a technology or service achieves wide penetration, it becomes important to establish standards. Television would never have happened if each broadcaster and manufacturer had chosen different formats for TV signals. In the short term, a slightly better implementation (e.g. cleaner picture) may give some providers an advantage in the market place. But ultimately the fragmentation of the marketplace ill-serves both producers and consumers.

If the stake-holders get together and agree on a single standard format for TV broadcasts, every TV set can receive every station. Consumers are freed to choose any TV set they want to watch any stations they want. Since all TV sets receive the same signals, set manufacturers must compete on the basis of price, quality, and other features. The cost of TV sets goes down and their quality goes up. Since all stations can reach all viewers, they must compete on the basis of programming. The amount, quality, and variety of programming increases. And the growing market creates opportunities for new products and services that were previously unimaginable.

Standards are a good thing: But standardization is the opposite of diversity and evolution, and so is a two-edged sword:

These trade-offs are fundamental to all standards. But there are additional considerations that make software interface standards particularly difficult.

Confusing interfaces with Implementations

Engineers are inclined to think in terms of design: how we will solve a particular problem? But interface standards should not specify design. Rather they should specify behavior, in as implementation-neutral a way as possible. But true implementation neutrality is very difficult, because existing implementations often provide the context against which we frame our problem statements. It is common to find that a standard developed ten years ago cannot reasonably be extended to embrace a new technology because it was written around a particular set of implementations.

The other way this problem comes about is when the interface specifications are written after the fact (or worse by reverse engineering):

A common piece of Management 1A wisdom is:

This is particularly true of interface specifications.

The rate of evolution, for both technology and applications

The technologies that go into computers are evolving quickly (e.g. Wifi, Bluetooth, USB, power-management, small screen mobile devices), and our software must evolve to exploit them. The types of applications we develop are also evolving dramatically (e.g. from desk-top publishing to social networking). Nobody would expect to be able to pull the engine out of an old truck and drop-in replace it with a new hybrid electric motor. Yet everybody expects to be able to run the latest apps on their ancient phone, laptop or desktop for as long as it keeps running.

Maintaining stable interfaces in the face of fast and dramatic evolution is extremely difficult. Microsoft Windows was designed as a single-user Personal Computer operating system - making it very difficult to extend its OS service APIs to embrace the networked applications and large servers that dominate today's world. When faced with such change we find ourselves forced to choose between:

There is a fundamental conflict between stable interfaces and embracing change.

Proprietary vs Open Standards

A Proprietary interface is one that is developed and controlled by a single organization (e.g. the Microsoft Windows APIs). An Open Standard is one that is developed and controlled by a consortium of providers and/or consumers (e.g. the IETF network protocols). Whenever a technology provider develops a new technology they must make a decision:

This dilemma often complicates the development of interface standards. The participants may not only be trying to develop strong standards; Many are also trying to gain market position and protect prior investments.

Application Programming Interfaces

Most of the time, when we look up and exploit some service, we are working with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). A typical API specification is open(2), which includes: The specifications may also include or refer to sample usage scenarios.

The most important thing to understand about API specifications is that they are written at the source programming level (e.g. C, C++ , Java, Python). They describe how source code should be written in order to exploit these features. API specifications are a basis for software portability, but applications must be recompiled for each platform:

But this promise can only be delivered if the API has been defined in a platform-independent way:

One of the many advantages of an Open Standard is that diverse participants will find and correct these problems.

Application Binary Interfaces

Well defined and widely supported Application Programming Interfaces are very good things, but they are not enough. If you are reading this, you are probably fully capable of re-compiling an application for a new platform, given access to the sources. But most users do not have access to the sources for most of the software they use, and probably couldn't successfully compile it if they did. Most people just want to download a program and run it.

But (if we ignore interpreted languages like Java and Python) executable programs are compiled (and linkage edited) for a particular instruction set architecture and operating system. How is it possible to build a binary application that will (with high confidence) run on any Android phone, or any x86 Linux? This problem is not addressed by (source level) Application Programming Interfaces. This problem is addressed by Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs):

An API defines subroutines, what they do, and how to use them. An ABI describes the machine language instructions and conventions that are used (on a particular platform) to call routines. A typical ABI contains things like:

The portability benefits of an ABI are much greater than those for an API. If an application is written to a supported API, and compiled and linkage edited by ABI-compliant tools, the resulting binary load module should correctly run, unmodified, on any platform that supports that ABI. A program compiled for the x86 architecture on an Intel P6 running Ubuntu can reasonably be expected to execute correctly on an AMD processor running FreeBSD or (on a good day) even Windows. As long as the CPU and Operating System support that ABI, there should be no need to recompile a program to be able to run it on a different CPU, Operating System, distribution, or release. This much stronger portability to a much wider range of platforms makes it practical to build and distribute binary versions of applications to large and diverse markets (like PC or Android users).

Who actually uses the Application Binary Interfaces

Most programmers will never directly deal with an ABI, as it is primarily used by:

But it is occasionally used by programmers who need to write assembly language subroutines (for efficiency or privileged operations) that can be called from a higher level language (e.g. C or C++).