Winter 2005
CS 2x9 Course Descriptions
Lec 1
Instructor: REIHER, P.L.
Title: Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
Brief Description: This course will cover recent research in the field of ubiquitous
computing. It will examine problems and solutions of handling
interactions between large numbers of processing and communicating
devices, some permanently embedded in particular spaces, some inherently
mobile. Major research projects in the area will be surveyed. Students
will prepare in-class presentations on important topics in this area and
will lead discussions on those topics.
Grading basis: Project, class participation, and a final exam
Prerequsites: Reasonable understanding of networking in general,
wireless networking, and distributed systems
Lec 2
Instructor: SARRAFZADEH, M.
Title: Embedded / Parallel Software
Brief Description: Syllabus will be available mid-March
Lec 3
Instructor: MAJUMDAR, R.
Title: Modularity and Software Verification
Brief Description:
Scaling program analysis and verification algorithms to large and
complex systems is the biggest challenge in formal verification.
One promising direction is modular analysis, where individual
components are verified under assumptions about their environment,
and the results of the analyses are combined together to infer properties
of the entire system. There has been a lot of recent progress in
precise software analysis techniques, however, none of the available
tools do a good job with modular analysis.
We shall study algorithms for modular verification of systems,
such as assume-guarantee reasoning, game-based reasoning, and interface
theories. This is an advanced graduate class. Students will be required
to read and present key papers and do a substantial project that
implements their ideas in a software verification tool. We shall work
with a few case studies for large software systems which will serve
as benchmarks for the algorithms.
Grading basis: Class participation, project, and final exam.
Prerequsites: Knowledge of program analysis, basic algorithms, and
theory of computation (at the CS181 level).
Lec 4
Instructor: MILLSTEIN, T.D.
Title: Advanced Software Reuse
Brief Description: Seminar that studies advanced techniques for increasing the reusability of software components. Of particular interest are sophisticated type systems and module systems in the context of object-oriented programming languages. The topic is explored by reading the relevant research literature. The course will also include a project where students will design and implement a mechanism for advanced software reuse.
Grading basis: Paper presentations, course project.
Prerequsites: CS239 Lecture 4 (Program Modularity and
Extensiblity) from Fall 2004 or speak with professor.
Lec 5
Instructor: KRIEGER, M.M.
Title: Entrepreneurship and Technology Development
Brief Description: Topics related to launching, working in, and growing technology ventures.
Emphasis on often ignored issues, e.g., exploiting university originated technology, small company/corporate customer conflicts,
protecting ideas when patents are unavailable, revenue from open source, while guest lcturers treat familiar business topics (e.g.,
revenue models; funding strategies; product positioning; competition, marketing, and customer retention; equity compensation; and
intellectual property, contracts, and related legal matters)
Grading basis: report in liue of final + attendance/participation
Grading Detail: Letter grade only
Units: 2.0 except with permission of instructor
Prerequsites: none formally, interest in topic
Lec 6
Instructor: KAY, A.
Brief Description:
Grading basis:
Lec 7
Instructor: MELKANOFF, M.A.
Brief Description:
Grading basis:
Lec 1
Instructor: PARKER, D.S.
Brief Description:
Grading basis:
Lec 1
Instructor: REINMAN, G.D.
Title: Advanced Topics in Microprocessor Design
Brief Description: Survey of recent approaches to high performance and energy reduction in general purpose processors.
Grading basis: TBD
Prerequsites: TBD
Lec 1
Instructor: SOATTO, S.
Title: Building an Autonomous Vehicle
Brief Description: This project-based design course revolves around UCLA's entry in the
DARPA Grand Challenge competition ( The
challenge consists in building an autonomous vehicle capable of going
through the desert between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, without a driver.
UCLA has assembled a team and a vehicle that is being instrumented with
sensors, processors and actuators. The course will consist in regular
meeting and hands-on projects on various component systems of the
robotic vehicle.
Lec 1
Instructor: GAFNI, E.M.
Title: Current Topics in Computer Theory: Randomized Algorithms
Brief Description:Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Basic concepts and design techniques for randomized algorithms, such as probability theory, Markov chains, random walks, and probabilistic method. Applications to randomized algorithms in data structures, graph theory, computational geometry, number theory, and parallel and distributed systems.