Spring 2006
COM SCI 219 Current Topics in Computer System Modeling Analysis | |||||||
LEC 1 ESTRIN, D.L. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587114201 | LEC | 1 | MW | 4:00P | 5:50P | BOELTER | 5252 |
Wireless Urban Sensing Systems
In this course we will explore an emerging class of systems for sensing in urban environments. We will review selected literature from wireless, Internet, distributed systems, sensing and privacy related fields and pursue projects involving implementation and data collection. Most implementations will be done on a new generation of duty cycled 32 bit embedded PCs, and on cell phone handsets (or equivalent PDA class devices). The class will meet twice a week Mon and Wed 4-6 pm; with some rescheduling to accommodate travel of special speakers. Please note that the first day of class will be held on either Thursday April 6th from 4-6 pm or on Friday April 7th from 2-4 pm. Please send an email to the instructor indicating if one or both of these slots is workable, and your preference. Readings for the first week of classes will be posted shortly. Please contact the instructor for further information: Deborah Estrin Fax# @ http://cens.ucla.edu/Estrin Recommended Prerequisites: Non-CS students are encouraged to participate if they have adequate C programming skills and feel comfortable reading papers from such conferences as ACM Sensys, ACM Sigcomm, ACM Ubicom, IEEE Infocom. Grade Basis: The work load will consist of weekly readings, bi-weekly presentations, short in class written assignments, and a multi-part implementation project with a final writeup and presentation. | |||||||
LEC 2 GERLA, M. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587114202 | LEC | 2 | TR | 6:00P | 7:50P | BOELTER | 4413 |
Peer-to-Peer Networks with Mobile Applications
This seminar oriented course overviews the basic architecture of Peer to Peer (P2P) networks and describes models and tools used for the design and evaluation of such networks. Several examples of P2P networks will be presented, drawing both from well established Internet implementations and from emerging wireless, mobile environments such as vehicular networks. The course will include class exams and a term project. Prerequisites: Graduate standing (open also to a limited number of undergraduate students) Grade Basis: Grade based on one midterm exam and a project term paper. | |||||||
COM SCI 239 Computer Programming Languages & Systems | |||||||
LEC 1 MILLSTEIN, T.D. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587232201 | LEC | 1 | MW | 10:00A | 11:50A | DODD | 162 |
Programming Language Applications of Mechanical Theorem Provers
There are lots of interesting things to prove about programs and programming languages. To name a few: Does my program or component meet its specification? Is my language's type system sound? Does my compiler generate correct code? The state of the art today for proving each of these properties is respectively to provide specialized tools that prove relatively simple specifications about programs (e.g., typecheckers and software model checkers), to prove type soundness and other "metatheoretic" properties of languages manually, and to trust the compiler. This course explores the use of mechanical theorem provers to reason about programs and programming languages. We will read papers to study the theoretical foundations for mechanical theorem proving and for the associated logics, and we will learn about the variety of mechanical theorem provers that exist today. A course project will have students prove interesting properties about a programming language using one of these tools. Recommended Prerequisites: CS231 or permission from the instructor. Grade Basis: The course will be run in a reading-group style, and students will be required to lead the group a few times during the quarter. The majority of the grade will be based on the course project. Class participation will also count. | |||||||
LEC 2 SARRAFZADEH, M. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587232202 | LEC | 2 | TR | 10:00A | 11:50A | BOELTER | 5420 |
Perfect Graphs with Applications
The course emphasizes algorithmic and structural aspects of "nice" graph families, in particular perfect graphs, interval graphs, chordal graphs and comparability graphs. Perfect graphs appear naturally in a variety of circumstances, such as communication complexity, Embedded Systems, Software Systems, Biology. They are also the source of fundamental mathematical problems. Text: Martin C. Golumbic "Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs" (Academic Press, 1980) Grade Basis: Midterm plus a Project | |||||||
LEC 3 REIHER, P.L. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587232203 | LEC | 3 | MW | 8:00A | 9:50A | BOELTER | 5273 |
Advanced Network Security
This course will be a seminar on current research issues and problems in network security, with the strongest emphasis on the Internet. Topics covered will include worms, distributed denial of service attacks, botnets, security of routing protocols, security of the DNS service, security of overlay networks, wireless security, privacy and anonymization services, and legal and societal issues. Most sessions will consist of a student presentation on the topic of the day, followed by discussion of the issues. Prerequisites: Students should have a good background in security issues, similar to that obtained by taking the course that Prof. Reiher regularly offer on computer security (another CS239). Students should also have a good grasp of basic networking issues. Grade Basis: Grading will be based on class participation (especially each student's own presentation), a class project, and a final exam. | |||||||
LEC 4 KRIEGER, M.M. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587232204 | LEC | 4 | W | 4:00P | 5:50P | BOELTER | 3400 |
Entrepreneurship and Technology Development
Topics related to launching, working in, and growing technology ventures. Focus on often-ignored issues, e.g., protecting ideas when patents are unavailable, technology transfer from university to commercial world, small vendor v. corporate customer conflicts, revenue from open source. Guest speakers treat familiar business topics (e.g., revenue models and funding; product strategies; competition, marketing, and customer retention; equity compensation; and intellectual property, contracts, and legal pitfalls) Grade Basis: Report in lieu of final + attendance/participation | |||||||
COM SCI 289CO Current Topics in Computer Theory: Complexity Theory | |||||||
LEC 1 | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587547200 | LEC | 1 | MW | 2:00P | 3:50P | DODD | 162 |
Grade Basis: TBA |