Terence Honles & Alex Ticer
- socket() - creates a socket
- bind() - associates socket to a port
- listen() - prepare to except requests
(simplified) //only allows one request at a time
for(;;) {
(more real) //fork a child to handle each request
for(;;) {
p=fork(); //bottleneck
if (p==0) {
(most real) //have a pool of children already
for (;;) {
r = accept();
hand off to idle child
//each child does handle(r);
- less fault tolerant
- shared state
(also used sometimes) //use threads instead of forking
- now you have shared state
- even less fault tolerant
- worry about locking
(used on small systems) //event driven programming
(e.g. Twisted (Python), TinyOS)
for(;;) {
wait for an event;
act on the even; //happens very quickly
//no reads or writes or long loops
select({set of fd})
//hangs until an event happens on one of fd and returns the fd that the event happened on (and details)
//and now you can read and/or write without hanging (small amounts)
//you must maintain a to do list
- no locks
- no context switches
- more of a hassle to write
- to do management
- like threads (easy to crash)
- does not take advantage of multiple CPU's
Defense against force & fraud
May 19, NYT
Estonia Computers Blitzed
April 27 attacks on president's website
government ground to halt
many banks too,
we took notes
one defense. block all non-Estonian traffic
V. Cerf's estimate (Jan); 25% of PC's are in a botnet
Main form of attacks on computers (three catagories)
- against service "denial of service" attacks (a.k.a. "DoS")
- against privacy "finding your SSN" attacks (Phishing etc.)
- against integrity "tampering" attacks
Goals in security
- allow authorized access (in a timely fashion)
- Deny unauthorized access (negative goa) -> harder to test
- bugs don't get reported (bad guy wants to exploit them)
Thread modeling & Threat classification
(try not to forget this!)
- insiders
- social engineering
- network attacks
- DoS
- buffer overruns, etc.
- email viruses
- drive-by downloads
- device-based attacks
- floppy-based viruses
- USB-based viruses
General mechanisms for implementing security
- Authentication: prove who you are (e.g. password)
- Integrity: prove that the data has not been tampered with (e.g. checksum)
- Authorization: prove that you have the rights to do something (e.g. ACL)
- Auditing: prove what happened (e.g. tamperproof log)
- Correctness
- Efficiency