Scribe Notes - Lecture # 18
Jeffrey Griffin
Access Control Goals:
                 user  group others
        [     |r w x|r w x|r w x]
         \ \ \                 \------ execute (or regular file)
   setuid \ sticky                  search (for directories)
            setgid - For a regular file:
                            Executed process group is that of file
                      - For a directory:
                            Newly created files in that directory belong to the directory's group

        sticky - Regular files: keep executable in swap/RAM (obsolete)
                    Directories: you cant remove others' files
            (e.g. /tmp)

        umask 002 (rwxrwxr-x)
            trust user, group   others don't write
                                            Must be examined on every access
                                            Requires OS support / HW support
Which software can we trust? In which contexts?

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