CS 111: Lecture 17 - 5/27/10

Thursday, May 27, 2010

By Emily Chen & Silas Lam 


NFS Performance (spec.org)


HP BL860c i2 4-node HA-NFS cluster (April 2010)

HA -> Highly available

4 servers (each with 2 boot drives + 192 GiB RAM)

8 disk controllers (each with 2 GiB cache)

4 FC switches

16 disk arrays

1472 drivers, each with 72 GB, 15 KRPM




· Still faster than disk access on a local disk (assuming that most disk have response times of 20 ms)!

· Expensive though...


NFS Security

Client A:

$ sudo sh

# cp /bin/mount /nfs/eggert/mount

# chown root /nfs/eggert/mount

# chmod u+s /nfs/eggert/mount

# ls -l

-rwsr-xr-x …

Client B:

$ /nfs/eggert/mount ______

· Client A wants to share access to other computers, like Client B

· Anyone with root access on Client B can do anything on the server (as root too!)

o What if Client B was a laptop owned by someone else that you don't totally trust?

· Assumes all root-access people are clients that are trusted

o Doesn't work in general though…

o Only works in centrally-managed clusters


So we need a better approach:

· UID Re-mapping

o If client asks server for access and says that user is root, then server doesn't trust the client and uid is routed to "nobody"

· uid 0 (root) -> uid 65535 (nobody)

§ Note: 65535 is a made-up number

o Problem: Client can still pretend to be anybody else! Authentication needs to go beyond uids across the wire

o Problem: What if user "eggert" exists on Client A as uid 59 and also exists on Client B, but as uid 4625?

· Logging in from Client A won't allow you to see your own files that were created using Client B



· You need to think about it right from the beginning

· Can't easily be retrofitted

· Real-world meaning: defend against attacks via force + fraud

· Virtual-world meaning: defend mostly against fraud (although we can't forget about force!)

· Main form of attacks

o Against privacy

· Gaining access (like getting your SSN)

o Against integrity

· Changing data (like changing the grades of a student)

o Against service

· Denial of Service (DOS)

· To solve this problem

o Disallow unauthorized access

· Hard to test for!

o Allow authorized access

· Much easier to test in the real world

o Both of these goals are conflicting though...


Threat Modeling + Classification

· Some things to watch out for

o Insiders

o Social engineering

o Network attacks

· Buffer overruns

§ Getting worse with time

§ E.g. conficker (estimated 7 million infected computers)

· Viruses

§ Email

§ Drive-by downloads

· Denial of Service

o Device attacks

· USB / CD-ROM / etc

o Etc


Functions for Implementing Security Mechanisms

· Authentication -> passwords

· Authorization -> permissions on files

· Integrity -> logs, checksums

· Auditing -> logs

· Correctness

· Efficiency -> otherwise people won't use it



o Prevents masquerading

· Types

o External -> outside participants

· Tends to be more expensive and suspicious

o Internal -> insiders

· Goal: Cheap and efficient

· Usually relies on external authentication already being done


External Authentication

· Need a trusted login agent

· How to authenticate?

o Based on what the principal knows

· Passwords

§ Can be guessed

§ Defense

· System-supplied passwords

· System guesses the password; if it's too easy to guess, then refuse to allow it to be a password

§ Can be told… (breaks authentication)

§ Network snoopers: steal the password while it flies past you on the network

§ Fraudulent server: Set up a website that looks exactly like another one, and people will log into your site with their real credentials

o Based on what the principal has

· Physical tokens (like a chip in your car key)

§ Can be lost

o Based on who the principal is

· Retinal scan

· Thumb prints


Internal Authentication

· OS records who you are efficiently

o In process descriptor: uid, gid, effective uid, effective gid

· What's the reason for the effective uid / gid?

§ Let's authorization work at the user level instead of the OS level

§ Let's the program do any authorization algorithm it likes

o Consulted for all access checks

· open () (and any other operations on files)

· kill ()

o System call to change uid: setuid (int )


Authentication Building Blocks

· Cryptographic hash functions

o Hash_function (key ) = value -> this is cheap

o The inverse is expensive

o Remember, many keys can map to the same value!

o E.g. SHA1 (key) = H (H is 160 bits)

·  Symmetric encryption

o Shared private key K               

o Problem: key management is tricky

· Asymmetric encryption

o Public key systems

o Define:

K = private key (known only to sender)

U = public key (shared to recipient)

M = message


o Assume a shared secret key K

o Send SHA1 ( ( K^pad1) + SHA1 ( (K^pad2) + M )) + M

· + is concatenation

· ^ is XOR

· Typically use a multiphase approach

o A sends "{NonceA + I'm A}^UB" to B

o B sends "{NonceA + NonceB +  I'm B}^UA: to A

o A sends "{NonceB + K}^UB to B

· K in this case is a shared secret key for this transaction

o Nonce-> some kind of special identifier for this session so that A knows that the msg from B is really from B

· ssh

o .ssh/id_rsa.pub -> public key

o .ssh/id_rsa -> private key

o .ssh/known_hosts -> log of whoever has connected along with their keys

o Is a point-to-point system

· Virtual network atop an untrusted network

· Pain to do, since you each computer that wants to connect needs to setup with all these things

· Via ssh -> problem with setup is O (N^2)

o Used more in informal networks

· IPsec

o Much bigger overhead in network infrastructure

o Sets up a virtual network on top of untrusted network and is better than ssh at doing it!

o Uses internal authentication in virtual network

o Uses external authentication to setup virtual network

o Used more often in corporate networks


Covert Channels

· You can bypass security if you really want to

· Example:

     Process 1 owned by User 1

     Process 2 owned by User 2

· How can U1 communication to U2 if there is no network access and no common servers?

· Use other stuff like CPU load levels or memory allocations to send bits of data to other processes

o Let's say that P1 receives a 1 if the CPU load kicks up to a certain level, and 0 is if it reaches another level. P2 can send 0s and 1s by changing the CPU load now!

o This bypasses all the permission settings and other OS stuff