By Chihung Yu, Zhang Chi
RPC(Remote Procedure Call)
Often times it’s slow to run a service over RPC. One way to tackle this problem is to use asynchronous communication which the client sends multiple requests without waiting for responses from the server side. This technique is also known as pipelining requests.
Problems of Pipelining (performance issue):
(1) Batching: Ask for more data per request
(2) Asynchronous: What if requests depend on each other? In particular, what if there are requests fail? (can be tricky)
As the following graph illustrates
ps: pipelining assumes that the order of responses is trivial to the client
since we cannot guarantee that each request will arrive in order due to network
Advantage of pipelining requests: improvement in throughput.
of pipelining requests: race condition.
NFS(network file system) and Security
Inside Linux
Can we support multiple kinds of filesystem?
Yes, FAT, ext4, ext3, etc
Use object oriented programing kernel specifies an interface each filesystem implements that interface. (But c is not object oriented!)
Linux NFS
Process structure
NFS is network file system
As we can see from the above graphical illustration, inside linux kernel it has two parts VFS and NFS. In VFS(virtual file system), “struct task” contains multiple of tasks, and each task(process) has its own file descriptor and each file descriptor point to all related works of that process(open or closed file in struct inode)
The actual code that performs all the operations is inside NFS of linux kernel. Each file in the struct file in VFS layer involves a pointer that point to a struct file_operations struct in the NFS layer. This file_operations struct contains pointers to open(), read() and write()that deal with read, write, and open for that specific file.
Can linux support multiple kinds of file systems? Such as FAT, ext3, ext4, etc.
NFS problems + design issues
(1) Lost package->resent request(no no harm done if idempotent)
A: unlink(“foo”) B:link(“ba”,”foo”)
If timeout on requests
Unlink (“foo”) response is lost return ENOENT
We can lose transactions implement via links
Server cashes a list of resent request;
Request “ok” if gets a duplicate from same client
Stateless server:
Contents of server RAM doesn’t matter
If server reboot, then clients wait + simple reliability - $ rm file can take a while
fd = open(“foo << server reboot>> read(fd,…)
NFS file handle
Uniquely identifies a file on a server -> NFS protocol uses file handles
Persists if server reboots
Unix: dev_t + ino_t + serial member
File system inode nth time you have created this inode#
NFS protocol:
Lookup(dirfh,name)->fh + others
Unix file system on wheels
CIFS(windows file system on
Write a NFS
Client ------------------------------------Server
Asynchronous write -----------------------------------Stateless server
Speculative read -----------------------------------fsyncàoften cheat or put logs into flash
Client can cash the data
NFS does all-empt to have close to open consistency
What else can go wrong?
Power failures careful writes on a log
Network failures cache + reply
Media failures (assume:single point of failure)
RAID: redundant array of independent disks
RAID0 concatenation (interleaving striping)
RAID1 mirroring
RAID4 |A| |B| |C| |D| |E| write to both read from either A^B^C^D^E
RAID5 =RAID4 + striping = + no I/O bottleneck
- Hard to add disks less flexible
What’s the disk failure rate?
Annualized failure rate