CS 111

Scribe Notes for 4/13/10, Lecture 5

by Pei-Ying Hsieh, Allen Wu


What Is Orthogonality

Orthogonality is a property in computer systems design that increases the compactness of a system. The concept of orthogonality is such that modifying one component of a system neither creates nore propagates side effects to other components of the same system. This is comparable to orthogonality in mathematics. In a three dimensional axis, the x y z axes are perpendicular to each other. Given an input (x, y, z), modifying one of the inputs will not change another input.

Goals of an Orthogonal System

We want interfaces that are:

  • Simple => Making changes to one component should not force the user to write another component
  • Complete => includes necessary components
    • eg: process, memory, files (you can picture this as the 3 axes of a 3d vector space
  • Combinable => different combinations of x processes, y memory, and z files should be combinable; each axes should be independent of each other

How can user programs access OS resources?

Mechanisms: (each with their advantages [+] and disadvantages [-])

  • Treat OS resources as objects
    • Application deals with references to these objects
    • eg: process table entry structure
      struct pte {...} struct pte *p;
    • + Simple => easy to comprehend
    • + Fast => quick to access
    • - No protection against bad user programs => programs can (un)intentionally modify kernel
    • - Race conditions => what happens if two processes try to modify the same field at the same time?
    • - Maintainablilty => if we modify a structure (eg: add a field), we'd have to recompile the kernel AND all the applications since the size of the struct has changed
  • Access OS resources as integers (Unix implementation)
    • Use system calls to access OS resources
    • Opaque identifiers
    • eg: pid_t definition of integer type
    • eg: int for file descriptors
    • + Safe => you need to request permission from OS
    • + Maintainability => if we modify the kernel, we don't need to rewrite apps that use it
    • - Slower => latency of system calls
    • - Complex => more complicated than directly accessing structures

File Descriptors

A file descriptor is an index of a kernel's data structure that contains the details of all open files. This data structure (in POSIX) is called a file descriptor table. We can imagine each process having its own file descriptor table. (Consequently, different processes can have multiple files open.) In order for an application to access a file, it must do so through a system call. This will allow the kernel to access the requested file on behalf of the application. This provides a layer of protection, as an application cannot read from or write to the file descriptor table directly.

Example of a system call:
int fd = open('path', O_RDONLY, 0640);
// Open returns the file descriptor of the open file if opened successfully
// In this case, 'fd' is the opaque identifier
// Say fd = 17 after system call

Let's see how a process can access a file descriptor.
*Note: memory is invisible to application*

How a process can access a file descriptor

File Descriptor System Calls

Functions that use file descriptors (fd): Purpose
open() Opens a file
read() Reads from an open file
write() Writs to an open file
close() Closes an open file
lseek() Changes current file offset to a new position

System calls are a good example of hard modularity. It may seem that we have objects, but these "objects" are hidden from the view of user programs. The system calls call on the kernel, which is located in a different place, in order to access files.

eg: using the open() system call:

int open(const char* pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);

  • Flags
    • O_RDONLY => read only
    • O_WRONLY => write only
    • O_RDWR => read and write
    • O_CREAT => create file if it doesn't exist
    • O_TRUNC => if files doesn't exist, create it. otherwise, make it empty
    • O_APPEND => all writes go to end of file
    • You can use multiple flags by separating them with a pipelete. The exception is that you can only specify one of the first three.
      • int fd = open('path', O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0640);
  • Eggert flags (flags that Eggert wants but don't exist)
    • O_EXEC => get executable access to a file
    • O_NONE => open a file without any access
      • This is so you can use fstat()
  • Modes
    • Used for permissions of a file you create. Only used when you have the O_CREAT flag, so this parameter is optional
  • Variable number of arguments
    • int open(char const* name, int flags, ...)
    • You can pass extra arguments
    • Use #include <stdarg.h> to decode extra arguments
  • umask
    • umask() sets the calling process's file mode creation mask
    • In every process in the process descriptor, there is a umask (of type mode_t)
    • 0666 sets permissions to rw-rw-rw-
    • 0777 sets permissions to rwxrwxrwx
      • r => read
      • w => write
      • x => executable
      • (User)(Group)(Other)
    • To get current umask, use the umask system call
      • Old umask = umask(new umask)
      • If you only want to get the current umask you'd change the new umask back to the old one afterwards
  • If a system call fails, you can find out why by using #include <errno.h>

Process Functions

  • fork() => create a process
    • fork() will clone the current process except for the values of the process ID, the parent's process ID, file descriptions (shared), accumulated execution times, file locks, and pending signals
      • Shared file descriptions
    • Returns -1 => fork failed (reason specified in ERRNO)
      • ENOMEM => no memory
      • EAGAIN => error; try again
    • Returns 0 => fork succeeded, and you are running in the child process
    • Returns >0 => fork succeeded, and you are running in the parent process. The return value is the child's process ID (type pid_t)
  • _exit(n) => destroys a process
    • Input parameter is the exit status, which is put into the process descriptor in case any other process wants to know the exit status
  • exit(n) => destroys a process
    • This differes from _exit(n) in that it cleans up (eg: flush output buffer) before it exits. This may cause a hang.
  • getpid(void) => returns process ID of current process (type pid_t)
  • getppid(void) => returns parent's process ID (type pid_t)
  • waitpid(pit_t p, int* status, int options)
    • Waits for one of your children to finish (only works with YOUR children so there will be no deadlocks)
    • Parameter p is the process ID of the child
    • Status is the pointer to memory that stores the exit status of the child
    • Options indicate how long you're willing to wait
      • 0 => wait forever
      • WNHANG => don't wait at all
    • Returns the process ID of the child that finished (type pid_t)
      • Returns -1 if failed (eg: tried to wait on a process that isn't your child)
  • execvp(char const* file, char* const* argv)
    • This system call allows a process to run any program files which include a binary executable or a shell script
    • Calling this will destroy the current process and everything associated with it except the process descriptor. It then starts a new process in the current one that runs the specified program
    • Parameter file is a pointer to a character string that contains the name of a file to be executed
    • Parameter argv is a pointer to an array of character strings. You can think of its type as (char**), which is identical to the argv array used in the main program
      • int main(int argc, char** argv)
    • Returns -1 (always) because if it succeeds, it will never return

System Call Example

Imagine you want to write a function that takes input into stdin and outputs to stdout exactly what stdin takes in, but in a sorted fashion. We will do a prototype of this "sortIO" function.

1  int sortIO(void) {
2      execvp("/bin/sort", (char*[]) {"sort", NULL} );
3  }

First we try to just call execvp on the sort program. The problem with this code is that it will blow away the whole program. Recall that execvp will return destroy the current process. So how do we get past this? The solution is having the child do the execvp call. After all, the parent can continue normally because only the child will be affected by execvp.

1  #include <sys/wait.h>
3  int sortIO(void) {
4  pid_t p = fork();
5  switch(p) {
6      case 0:
7          execvp("/bin/sort", (char*[]) {"sort", NULL} );
8          _exit(1);
9          break;
10     case -1:
11         return -1;
12     default:
13         int status;
14         if (waitpid(p, &status, 0) < 0)
15             return -1;
16         if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)e
17             return -1;
18         return 0;
19  }

Firstly, notice that we included sys/wait.h. This is so we can access WIFEXITED (did it exit?) and WEXITSTATUS (what is the exit status?). We start off by doing a fork, which creates a child process. Recall that the child goes to case 0. It then runs an execvp (because it is fine to terminate the child process). If p is -1, that means the fork was unsuccessfull. Otherwise, we are in the default case, used for the parent process. What the parent does is that it waits for its child to complete execution (line 14). We check to see if the wait was successful. Afterwards, we can check WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS. WIFEXITED returns nonzero if the process exited normally. WEXITSTATUS (which should only be called after checking WIFEXITED) gets the exit status of the process which exited. We make sure that the child exited properly, then complete the function.

*Note: Linux has the system call spawnvp(), which does fork AND exec. This is an example of orthogonality. fork and exec are independent of each other. This is similar to read vs. read + seek. POSIX supports both spawnvp and fork + exec. Windows on the other hand only has spawnvp. As a result, when it emulates UNIX programs, performance stinks.