Spring 2010 Computer Science 33 Enrollment

We will not be giving out PTEs for CS 33 until after the first day of classes.

Before we make any decisions about whether to seek a larger room to accommodate more people, we have to know what the actual demand is. If you are in the School of Engineering, just sign up for the class, or if it's full, get on the wait list if the wait list is not full.

If you want to enroll in CS 33 for Spring 2010, but are unable to get into the class or onto the wait list (because either the wait list is full, or you're not an Engineering student), submit this form to record your interest in taking the class. Check the Schedule of Classes first, so that you don't pick discussion times that will conflict with your other classes. Our accepting this form is not a promise you'll get in; it's merely a way for us to measure demand so that we know how many additional sections to offer if we can and what would be the best times to offer them to accommodate the most students.

Enter your 9-digit student id:  
Enter your last name:  
Enter your first name:  
Enter your email address:  

(If you previously expressed interest in taking this class but have now decided not to, we'd appreciate it if you'd let us know to erase your preferences by filling nothing out below this, checking this box and submitting this form. )

The course lectures are TR 2:00-3:50.
What time would you most prefer that we offer the discussion section?

 F 8:00-9:50
 F 10:00-11:50
 F 12:00-1:50
 F 2:00-3:50
 F 4:00-5:50

What is your second choice of time for the discussion section, if any?

 F 8:00-9:50
 F 10:00-11:50
 F 12:00-1:50
 F 2:00-3:50
 F 4:00-5:50
 no second choice

What is your third choice of time for the discussion section, if any?

 F 8:00-9:50
 F 10:00-11:50
 F 12:00-1:50
 F 2:00-3:50
 F 4:00-5:50
 no third choice

What other times would work for you, if any?

 F 8:00-9:50
 F 10:00-11:50
 F 12:00-1:50
 F 2:00-3:50
 F 4:00-5:50

What is your major?

Aerospace Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

What is your class level?
