Course objective: Provide a thorough elementary coverage of compiler theory and design, using a careful balance between basic principles and specific techniques.
Instructor: Paul Eggert, Boelter 4532J. Office hours are Mondays 11:55–12:55 and Tuesdays 10:30–11:30.
Teaching assistant:
Assistant: Keith Stevens <>. Office hours are Wednesdays and Thursdays 13:30–14:30 in Boelter 2432.
Lecture, 4 hours; discussion, 2 hours; outside study, 6 hours.
Prerequisites: Computer Science 32, 35L, 131, 181.
Compiler structure; lexical and syntactic analysis; semantic analysis and code generation; theory of parsing. Letter grading.
Related Computer Science Curriculum 2008 (CS2008) bodies of knowledge:
Related IEEE/ACM Software Engineering 2004 (SE2004) bodies of knowledge: