Spring 2011
COM SCI 219 Current Topics in Computer System Modeling Analysis | |||||||
LEC 1 LU, S. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587114200 | LEC | 1 | MW | 10:00A | 11:50A | BOELTER | 5272 |
Title: TBD Description forthcoming. Recommended Prerequisites: Prerequisites forthcoming. | |||||||
LEC 2 ESTRIN, D.L. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587114201 | LEC | 2 | MW | 12:00P | 1:50P | BOELTER | 5272 |
Title: Participatory mHealth: Architectures, Applications and Algorithms We will explore the convergence of mobile, web, and social media technologies in the support of patient-centric health and wellness applications and innovations. The course will combine exploration of relevant published research papers, and hands on design, implementation and testing of new approaches. Projects can focus on a particular aspect of these systems such as data capture, energy management, analysis, measurement and analytics, visualization, user-engagement, game mechanics, or privacy; or they can be cross-cutting and integrative; they can focus on software and algorithms that run on the mobile device, or on the backend support provided by cloud/servers, or a combination. We will develop on state of the art Android based smartphones (provided to students for use during the course). Students will be encouraged (but not required) to build on existing system components/modules available from locally-developed open source software, to allow exploration of the particular components/functions in more depth, while still being able to explore these focused innovations in the context of a fully functioning usable system. Students will learn about location and activity based services; mobile to web software architectures; data analysis, mapping and visualization for personal data streams; privacy architectures; application of feedback and game mechanics to participatory sensing; energy management for background applications; etc. Recommended Prerequisites: None specified. | |||||||
COM SCI 239 Current Topics in Programming Languages and Systems | |||||||
LEC 1 PALSBERG, J. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587232201 | LEC | 1 | TR | 4:00P | 5:50P | BOELTER | 5272 |
Title: Parallel Programming Languages Learn new programming abstractions that will be useful for programming multi-core computers, clusters, GPUs, and supercomputers. Recommended Prerequisites: CS 131 and CS 132 (or the equivalent) | |||||||
COM SCI 259 Current Topics in System Design and Architecture | |||||||
LEC 1 ERCEGOVAC, M.D. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587357201 | LEC | 1 | MW | 10:00A | 11:50A | MOORE | 1003 |
Title: Energy-Efficient Computer Systems In this seminar we will discuss power/energy problems in computer systems and hardware/algorithm/software approaches to deal with these problems in the design of processors, arithmetic units, memories, and caches. We will also study roles of OS and compiler optimizations and application-software in power management. Examples of systems discussed include power-efficient multiprocessors, reconfigurable systems, servers, embedded systems, mobile devices, and graphics processors. The class material consists of several books, available online via EMS Library, and selected papers. After two weeks of lectures on main topics, the remaining classes will have the following format: a short introduction to a topic, followed by students' presentations and discussions of the topic-related papers. Students will be asked to read all papers but they will make a choice of papers to present. There will be projects, presented, and discussed in class. Recommended Prerequisites: Familiarity with digital design, computer architecture, operating systems, and compilers is expected. | |||||||
LEC 2 SARRAFZADEH, M. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587357202 | LEC | 2 | TR | 10:00A | 11:50A | BOELTER | 4283 |
Title: Wireless Health This course aims to be a comprehensive introduction to medical embedded computing and wireless health. These are the topics we cover: The Embedded Computing Platform, Program Design and Analysis, System Design. Advances in communications, computer, and medical technology have facilitated the practice of personalized health, which utilizes sensored computational communication systems to support improved and more personalized healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices. The current proliferation of broadband wireless services, along with more powerful and convenient handheld devices, is helping to introduce real-time monitoring and guidance for a wide array of patients. Indeed, a large research community and a nascent industry is beginning to connect medical care with technology developers, vendors of wireless and sensing hardware systems, network service providers, and enterprise data management communities. In this course, wearable devices focusing on personal health, rehabilitation, and early disease detection will be prototyped. In this course we will have a collection of stellar lecturers from the UCLA medical school, public health and Nursing. Recommended Prerequisites: None specified. | |||||||
COM SCI 269 Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence | |||||||
SEM 1 TERZOPOULOS, D. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587410201 | SEM | 1 | MW | 4:00P | 5:50P | BOELTER | 4283 |
Title: Visual Modeling This course takes a unified approach to computer vision and computer graphics modeling, wherein vision (image analysis) and graphics (image synthesis) are studied as mutually converse problems. The course explores physics-based models and associated computational methods for tackling both problems. The focus will be on deformable models and their associated methodologies for vision and graphics. The grading scheme will be based on a term project (~60%), class presentations (~30%), and class participation (~10%). Recommended Prerequisites: CS 174B and CS 174C, plus calculus and basic differential equations, linear algebra and numerical methods. Prospective students who are seriously lacking in the above prereqs should consult with the instructor before enrolling in the course. | |||||||
SEM 2 FALOUTSOS, P. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587410202 | SEM | 2 | MW | 2:00P | 3:50P | BOELTER | 5252 |
Title: Humanoid Computer Animation The purpose of this course is to cover a variety of state of the art techniques in humanoid computer animation. It is a seminar course that will cover the latest literature in human animation and visual modeling. Topics include: Muscle modeling and simulation, skinning, motor control, motion capture techniques, physics-based techniques and control, facial animation, and hardware accelerated rendering techniques. Recommended Prerequisites: None specified. | |||||||
SEM 3 SOATTO, S. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587410203 | SEM | 3 | TR | 4:00P | 5:50P | BOELTER | 5252 |
Title: Elements of Visual Information Theory with Application to Perception, Action and Interaction Advanced course exploring information theory in the context of visual sensing, for decision and control purposes. Recommended Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Background in linear algebra, calculus, probability, some analysis, some geometry, machine learning, information theory. | |||||||
COM SCI 289OA Current Topics in Computer Theory | |||||||
LEC 1 MEYERSON, A.W. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587557200 | LEC | 1 | MW | 10:00A | 11:50A | BOELTER | 5419 |
Title: Online Algorithms Description forthcoming. Recommended Prerequisites: Prerequisites forthcoming. | |||||||
COM SCI 289RA Current Topics in Computer Theory | |||||||
LEC 1 GAFNI, E.M. | |||||||
ID Number | Type | Sec | Days | Start | Stop | Bldg | Rm |
587562200 | LEC | 1 | MW | 12:00P | 1:50P | BOELTER | 5252 |
Title: Randomized Algorithms Description forthcoming. Recommended Prerequisites: Prerequisites forthcoming. | |||||||