UCLA Computer Science 111, Spring 2012.
Operating Systems Principles

Instructor: Paul Eggert, Boelter 4532J. Office hours are Mondays 13:00–14:00 and Wednesdays 09:50–10:50.

Teaching assistants:

Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 2 hours; outside study, 9 hours.

Prerequisites: Computer Science 32, 33, and 35L.

Introduction to operating systems design and evaluation. Computer software systems performance, robustness, and functionality. Kernel structure, bootstrapping, input/output (I/O) devices and interrupts. Processes and threads; address spaces, memory management, and virtual memory. Scheduling, synchronization. File systems: layout, performance, robustness. Distributed systems: networking, remote procedure call (RPC), asynchronous RPC, distributed file systems, transactions. Protection and security. Exercises involving applications using, and internals of, real-world operating systems. Letter grading.

Related Computer Science Curriculum 2008 (CS2008) bodies of knowledge:

Related IEEE/ACM Software Engineering 2004 (SE2004) bodies of knowledge:

© 2004–2012 Paul Eggert. See copying rules.
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