UCLA CS111 Scribe Note (Lecture 13, May 17th, Spring 2012)

By Hongxiang Gu and Libo Wang

Topic: File System Robustness -- Reliable System

Summary of contents

  1. an overview on file system reliability
  2. atomic write example 1: file saving
  3. atomic write example 2: changing file names

Overview on file system reliability

Two ways to make a system reliable

A system is formed by a number of components, and these lower level subsystems may be reliable or not. We have two ways to make a system reliable at our level:

  1. Choose/build reliable components (we don't have to worry about reliability at this level!)
    -- Simplifies implementation
    -- Not easy to make ALL components reliable: sometimes hard to find, sometimes costy, etc.
  2. assume components are unreliable: add reliability at this level.
    -- Harder implementation
    -- Components are cheaper

Challenges to system reliability

There are many events that can crash a system, and they can be categorized into external events and internal events. For a very simple desktop system (with single disk, CPU, RAM, network, etc.), the bad events are:

1. Lose power
2. Many request overwhelming the system
3. Unintended remove/updates: rm * .o (can recover using "$ cd .snapshot" on SEASNET machine)
1. Spoteneous errors in disk controller cache
2. Disk error rates overwhelms internal checksums
3. Disk head crush

Atomic write example 1: file saving

Imagine we have a simple file "cs111grade.txt". For simplicity, its size is always 20,000 bytes.

	read(fd, but, 20000);     // LOAD operation. easy to implement from user's viewpoint
	write(fd, but, 20000);    // SAVE operation

And the file's inode data structure looks like this:

Inode Structure

This call to write requires us to update both the metadata and the data.

If a power failure happens when we are writing...

  1. Metadata and data may be inconsistent!
  2. Even if metadata update is disabled, data in different data blocks can be inconsistent.
  3. Even if the write is not as large as 20000 bytes, it may still not be atomic and inconsistency is possible.

And this leads to the Golden Rule of Atomicity:

The Golden Rule of Atomicity

Never overwrite your only copy, unless your underlying write operation is known to be atomic.

One failed attempt to fix by having two copies of each file

Clearly if we have the copy of the original file, then we can fix the inconsistency problem in writes. This method keeps one more copy of the file we are writing, and nothing else. Here's how it works. Let's call the old version A and new version B. The modification is made in the file called TMP, and we try to copy TMP to another file MAIN. The high level representation of the whole process is:

Phase 1 2 3

However, this approach doesn't work. The low level implementation of this write is:

Phase 1 2 3 4 5
TMP ? ? B B B

Notice in the first four phases, the two files are different. After a power failure and reboot, if we find MAIN is different from TMP, we can't tell which phase we are in, so the data recovery is still impossible.

One successful fix by keeping three copies of each file

Here is how this method works. The three files are called MAIN, TMP1, TMP2. The user makes modifications in TMP1, and later MAIN is updated with the aid of TMP2.

Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TMP1 A ? B B B B B
TMP2 A A A ? B B B

The recover procedure after reboot is "majority rules": when there are two identical copies, take the majority. Otherwise (phase 4), take TMP1. This will guarantee we get "A" or "B", never "?". All-or-nothing atomicity is achieved.

The downside: this procedure is not ideal for large files: get 3 copies of a large file will be 3 times slower and more expensive.

Two ideas to improve on the 3-copy approach

Idea 1: a COMMIT record

Keep a COMMIT record of size 512 bytes (the size of a disk sector), and we assume writing to a single sector is atomic. The COMMIT holds only 0 and 1. Then the phase table looks like:

Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
COMMIT 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

If COMMIT==0, then MAIN contains the consistent data; if COMMIT==1, then TMP contains the consistent data. We can see the actual COMMIT action is in phase 4. Also phase 7 is optional, and it's no longer important to distinguish between MAIN and TMP, since COMMIT tells us about which file to look at.

Here we made an assumption that "COMMIT" (small write) is atomic. This, actually, is part of what's known as "Lampson - Sturgis assumptions", a good set of assumptions when designing a file system:

Lampson - Sturgis assumptions

  1. Storage writes may fail, and may corrupt other blocks.
  2. Later reads can detect bad writes.
  3. Storage can spontaneously decay (later reads can't detect).
  4. Errors are rare.
  5. Individual sector writes are atomic.

This approach is an application of the general pattern for implementing a high level all-or-nothing operation(write), atop a system in which only some ops are atomic(sector writes):

Algorithm atomic-do:

BEGIN (conceptual)
     Pre-commit actions (not permanent: can back out, leaving no trace)		// phase 1-3
     Commit action: atomic at lower level, make the higher level action happen  // phase 4
     Post commit phase (we can't change our mind here,				// phase 5-7
                         but may improve performance by setting things up for
                         the next operation, etc.)
DONE (conceptual)

Idea 2: journaling

The idea of this type of methods are taken from double-entry bookkeeping: never erase anything from your ledger. The journal storage is append-only and we don't need to put cell and journal on the same drive. Also the cell storage can be cached into RAM to improve performance. Here's one picture showing that a file system divided into two parts: journal and cell storage.

Journal and cell storage

1. Write-ahead logging protocol

Say we want to change block 27's content from A to B. Here is one simple logging protocol: (write-ahead log)

  1. log into journal our intent; i.e, "to change block #27 to B"
  2. write a COMMIT to journal
  3. write changed blocks to cell storage
  4. clear commit record on finish

Recovery procedure after power failure:

  1. scan journal from left to right; look for commits that are not DONE
  2. apply them one by one
2. Write-behind logging protocol

Here is an alternate logging protocol: (write-behind log)

  1. log into journal our intent; i.e, "#27 has A"
  2. install "B" in the cell storage

Recovery procedure after power failure:

  1. scan backwards through log
  2. look for operations not committed
  3. undo one by one as you go
3. Comparing the two logging protocols

Protocol 2 is faster because in recovery, we start reading from the newest entries, and start fixing damages immediately. This is especially good for long journals. The downside is: the individual operation is slower, since we must store the old value into the journal every time for the rare recovery.

Atomic write example 2: changing file names

This picture shows the inode and data blocks of a directory file. (Regular files are organized in a similar way, but their data blocks contains other things than directory entries)

Directory file

Changing file names also involves writing. If we the new filename is still in the original directory, we only have to modify one directory file, and this can be solved using the atomic write mentioned above.

Otherwise, we must write to two files. Here is one method to write, but this method is subject to data loss, which is considered a disastrous consequence. Suppose the high level operation is:

	rename("d/f","e/g");	// change the file name from "d/f" to "e/g"

Here's the algorithm:

Algorithm RENAME_1

1	get d's inode into RAM
2	get d's data
3	get e's inode into RAM
4	get e's data
5	update d's data in RAM
6	update e's data in RAM
7	write d's data	(f is officially removed)
8	write e's data  (g is officially created)

However, if the power is down right after step 7, before g is created, then the file is missing after reboot! We must invert these two steps.

7	write e's data  (g is officially created)
8	write d's data	(f is officially removed)

Now if the power is down after step 7, f and g both exist in the file system after reboot. However, the link count of the file is only 1: after the user removes either one of them, opening the other will cause disaster. Therefore we must also update link count of the file. This method will prevent the above-mentioned situations from happening:

Algorithm RENAME_2

1	get f's inode into RAM
2	get d's inode into RAM
3	get d's data
4	get e's inode into RAM
5	get e's data
6	update d's data in RAM
7	update e's data in RAM
8	change f's link count to 2 
9	write e's data (g is officially created)
10	write d's data (f is officially removed)
11	change f(g)'s link count to 1

We can see that before step 8, everything is in RAM and not commited. If system creashes between 9 and 10, then we hold two hardlinks to one file with link count 2, and this is valid; if system crashes between 8,9 or between 10,11, then we have a file with link count 2 and one hardlink pointing to it. If later a user try to remove this file, then the inode has link count 1 but user can't see it anymore: we have a storage leak! However, compared to data loss, storage leak is not a very serious problem, and can be fixed with a file system checker program (fsck). See lecture 14 for details.