Lecture 18

Professor Eggert

June 5, 2012

Author: Michael Bonilla

Authentication & Encryption

Kerckhoff's design principle for crypto-systems: minimize what needs to be kept secret. Big System
e.g. ssh: The private key is the only secret part. Public keys and known hosts are not kept secret.

ssh Transport Layer

Initial key exchange is typically RSA, authentication reoccurs every hour.
Above this is the user authentication layer:

Public Key: Password:
Can find or guess passphrase, but attacker would still need access to system to decrypt private key Can be guessed or found

Problems of ssh as a protocol

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

Access Control (Authorization)


Basic questions when designing access control model:

Big Machines

3D bit array - Each bit represents if user z can do operation x to file y. Bit Array for Facebook
Each bit in this array must be correct at all times or there could be serious issues (access by unauthorized user or authorized user unable to access)
Common patterns for access control: