Scheduling access to disk
Assume there are a lot of random I/O requests to disk, how to schedule I/O operation for best performance?
- random: starting position and target position of read/write head both purely random
- cost of 1 I/O operation: c = |h-i|, h: head position, i: target position
A simple model to assess I/O cost
FCFS: First Come First Serve
- Average cost
SSTF: Shortest Seek Time First
- miximizes throughput
- unfair: starvation is possible
A compromise: like an elevator
- serves like SSTF, but only for requests on the current direction
- not as fair as FCFS, but still no starvation
- performance should be better than FCFS
- favors requests in the middle: can put often used files in middle
A even better algorithm: circular elevator
- serves like a one-way elevator
- fairness guaranteed
- slower: rewind cost is inevitable
Anticipatory scheduling
- use dallying: look at current requests, if no request asking for locations nearby, wait a bit to see if some will come before moving to the next request
- example
- proc A: 10, 11, 12, 13...
- proc B: 500, 501, 502, ...
- if requests from A and B come alternately, have to move head a lot
How does flash change things?
- more expensive for capacity
- faster: no seeks!
- flash wears out: write operation is costly
- controller does wear leveling to make it last longer
- wear leveling slows down performance
File System Design
What is file system
- an on-disk data structure
- provides an abstraction of a set of files
Paul Eggert/RT-11 File System (1974)
- 16 sectors of fixed size directory (array of directory entries)
- each directory entry
- 16-byte file name (NULL-filled if unused)
- 16-bit start sector #
- 16-bit length of file
- pros and cons
- [+]simple
- [+]fast for contiguous reads
- [-]directory could be corrputed -> leads to disaster
- [-]no subdirectories
- [-]size of file must be known in advance (at least good estimated)
- [-]fragmentation
- internal fragmentation: space wasted due to last sector's tail left unused
- external fragmentation: have enough free space, but not contiguous and cannot be used
FAT File System
- FAT: File Allocation Table
- Main goal is to solve fragmentation problem and no subdirectory problem mentioned in previous file system.
- Structure of FAT is as follows
Overhead File Allocation Table(FAT) Data Blocks - Overhead Table
Boot Sector Superblock contains bootstrapping programs which the MBR transfers to CPU contains meta-data about the file systems, for example, the size of the file system, which version of FAT and etc. The super block is small and its size is fixed - File allocation table
- Array of instructions,2 bytes each (16bits)
- For a block
- 0: means the current block is the last of the file (EOF)
- -1: means the block is free
- n: the number of the next block in the file
- Data blocks
- Block size is 4KiB, each sector is 512 bytes
- The data of file may not be contiguous in a FAT file system
- Directories
- Arrays of directory entries, each entry has the following structure
File name and extension
Meta-data about file(size)
First file number
File type
- File names and extension: 11 bytes fields divided into 8+3
- Meta-data about file(size): 32 bits
- File types: specify if its a file directory or file name
- Arrays of directory entries, each entry has the following structure
- Overhead Table
- How FAT works
- Initially, data blocks are allocated sequentially,since all blocks are empty and sequential.
- When trying to find a new empty block for new contents,we simply search the FAT to find an entry with value -1.
- Whenever we gets the first block of the file, we can keep getting the next block number until we reached the end of file
- later on, when early blocks are removed, and we are trying to fit a new file (which is larger than the size of the block we freed), the file might be saved non-sequentially
- Problems with FAT
- Performance suffers when you have fragmentation
defragmentor FAT[i]== i+1 as much as possible --> slow,ties up drive and can be flaky - Two directory entires pointing to the same file, remove one, go trough the FAT table, free its blockes --> disasters
- Blocks may not be allocated continuously
- Rename of a file is not allowed in FAT
- Performance suffers when you have fragmentation
Berkerley FFS(fast file system)--Unix File System
- Structure
Boot sector
Block bitmap
Inode tables
Data blocks
- Inode
- A data structure on disk that describes a files, independent of any directory
- The use of block bitmap encourages contiguous allocation, which would reduce fragmentations
- Unique for each file, containing meta information and block points to actually data file
- Inode structure
Link count
10 directed data block pointers
→ 10*8KiB = 80kiB of data
80 indirect block
→ (8 kiB/4) pointers = 16MiB data
Double indirect block
→ (8kib/4) pointersˆ2 = 32 GiB
- Directory
14 bytes name
2 byte inode number
- Special cases
If a file doen't exit, put 0 in that block,file can have holes, holes are read as zeros, allocated when written
- fd = open("w", O_CREAT|O_RDWR)
- ftruncate(fd,1000000000): have a 1000000000 size file but have nothing in it
Original Unix design
- Feature
- No rename or system call
- Instead have
- link(old, new): two different directory entries points to the same file → write changes in directory entry
- unlink(old) → write changes in source directory
- Problem
- How to reclaim the space of the files? some other directory might still pointing to the file(not a problem in FAT)
- use 'link_count' in inode
if(f->link_count--==0 && file is not open to any process)
{ free space of the file }
- use 'link_count' in inode
- How to reclaim the space of the files? some other directory might still pointing to the file(not a problem in FAT)