CS 111 Lecture 12 File System Implementation
Zhao 304138441
Luyang Liu 304050396
Zongsheng Li 804126172
Levels of a traditional
file system
of a traditional file system
block 8192 bytes Fragmentation(Batching)
sector 512 bytes(1956-2014) 4096 bytes(2014- )
Problem: what is the down side of
huge block:
Lack of flexibility
If your apps like random accessing, it will do to much
Actual file system: suppose we have
multiple file systems.
How do we use multiple file systems at the same
cp /usr/bin/sh (ext2) home/eggert/junk/sh (ext4)
ifd = open("/usr/nom/sh" O_RDONLY…)
ofd = open("/home/eggert/junk/sh", O_WRONLY/O_CREAT, 0666)
does file name work?
directory for /
directory for /usr
directory for usr/bin
also an inode
table full of inode entries
Example: //abc/def
some file systems treat
things after double slash as host name. Other treat it
just like slash.
Problem: open /aq2/bin/sh,
what if aq2 doesn't exist?
Ans: process failed, open filed, returns -1, set enrno = ENOENT
Problem: try to interpolate a file name, but it
is not a directory. e.g. aq2/bin/sh,
where aq2 is not a directory
Ans: set enrno = ENOTDIR
Problem: suppose name doesn't start with a '/' . e.g. home/eggert/junk/sh
Ans: we can't
start with root. Therefore, we strait with working directory
Problem: How do the kernel know my working
directory. e.g. my working directory is in ode 39267
Ans: The kernel
know the in ode number because it keep store the working directory in ode
number into process table entry.
call: chdir
example chdir("/bin")
what does it do?
It change the inode number of current process to the inode
number that the director you want it change to.
Is there any problem?
Yes, it might cause a classic UNIX bug:
chdirc int
main(int argc, char** argv){
//change failed
return 1;
return 0;
This won't work because it change the directory of the change cmd
itself, but not the shell directory.
How to solve it?
Make a shell feature (it's actually a built-in
call: chroot
example: chroot("/home/eggert/junk");
――it changes the root
directory to my directory
There is a small problem: you can't access the
file above that. Suppose after you do chroot, you wanna do execvp
it will quit.
Another problem is: This will cause a security
Suppose I created file
I then evoke chroot,
and run su, sudo. It will
check the passwd under the file I specified, so it
will fool the system.
To solve this problem: chroot
is a privilege system call, it always failed winless you are root.
So why root want to do chroot?
It uses it to creat chroot jail!
All run in the Jail. Web service provider uses
it to support multiple web users.
How can we use different file systems for different
directory entry stored as
on disk.
In kernel RAM, there is a mount table which stores inode number
and corresponding file system type.
parent and child can have
different types of file system. We can not cross file
system boundary if you are at mount point.
Inode numbers are local to file
systems that they are in, therefore to uniquely identify a file, we should use inode number(ino_t)
and file system number(dev_t). So finally directory
entry looks as below.
Hard link: two different directory entries point at same
Another example:
ln /home/eggert /home/eggert/junk
This is not allowed in linux. Can not create hard link to
directory, leaves can be shared.
Creating links to
directory will result in infinite loop when calling find.
Recall that BSD file
system lay out is as follows:
To keep track of free space, we need to make 3 modifications
at the same time.Bitmap, inode table last
modified, data.
This means 3 seeks and 3
Can we improve efficiency?
Yes, in situations that lots of applications are going in
We can combine two
writes together. This means we can decrease 6 writes and 6 seeks
to 4 writes and 3 seeks. In 4 writes, one for bitmap(both
app1, app2), one for last modified(both app1,app2),one for data of app1, the
last for data of app2. 3 seeks are, one for bitmap, one for last modified, last
one for data(benefit form allocating block next to
each other)