CS 111 Lecture 13 Scribe Notes - Spring 2013

by Droan Rishi and Ajan Jayant for a lecture by Professor Paul Eggert on May 14, 2013

Levels of a Traditional Unix File System

Following are the Levels of Abstraction in a typical UNIX File System

Sectors (ex:512 bytes) - assumed to be linear array with the "locality of reference" property

Blocks (ex: 8192bytes) - same assumption as block

Partitions - a block of disk that holds a file system(all meta-data and data). A single disk can hold multiple file systems (This can be taken to an extreme - we can create a big file in our file system and treat it as a partition! Then we can put a file system in it!)

inodes - in UNIX a "file" is equivalent to "inode+associated data"

File Name Components (ex: /usr/bin/sh) - each directory entry is a component of the file name

File Names - the combination of all file name components gives the actual file name

Symbolic Links - files whose contents is a file name

How do we use multiple file systems at the same time?

cp /usr/bin/sh /home/eggert/junk/sh

int ifd = open("/usr/bin/sh", O_RDONLY);

int ofd = open("/home/eggert/junk/sh", O_WRONLY, O_CRCAT, 0066);

We have 26 file systems

A: Floppy, B: Floppy, C: Hard Drive

General Rule: ignore slashes in file name. The only exception here would be where there are two leading slashes, for example: //abc /det.

Rule: if it starts with a slash(/), file name interrupted relative to root directory. Otherwise, start with working directory (inode# -> which is a process table entry

chdir system call - changes the working directory by changing the inode# of the current process.

Example: chdir ("/bin")

Changing Working Directories


int main(int argvc, char* argv){

if(argc != 2) error;

if(chdir(argv[1] != 0)){


return 1;


return 0;


/*Runs, But ineffective, since it does

*not change shell's working directory

*and instead it changes the process's working

*directory and then exits. The shell thus returns to old working directory */

Solution to problem: Making it a Shell Feature


----> deprecated, because cannot access files above it

----> Eg: chroot("/home/eggert/junk/") execvp("/usr/bin/sh") /* Will fail*/

----> Security Problem: create/home/eggert/junk/etc/pass create /home/eggert/junk/etc/shadow. --> here we can create new password and use it to become root. this is not safe.

----> Because of the security issue, we make it a privileged function call.

----> This is used t create chrooted jails, which is the next section.

Chrooted Jails



set vid("apache")


Trying to get out of chrooted jail

(/..) <--- Special case if in root

Miltiple File Systems

User just sees the file names

Mount Table:

----> Cannot allow inodes to point to other file systems

----> This is because it forces all file systems to be mounted together

----> inode #s are local to a file system they are in

----> they uniquely identify a file we need

Directory Layout

Linux directories are small, and a concatenation of the above shown structure

If they are large, they can be implemented using a hash table

Hard Links

Hard Links: when two different directory entries point to the same file

ln /etc/passed


Files do not have a name, they have an inode#


Goes to each parent and prints it out


----> mv home/eggert /home/eggert/junk/j --> not allowed since it will create a directory loop

BBD FFS Layout

Efficiency Issue: 3 lseeks, 3 writes

Correctness Issue