CS111 Week 2 Lecture (4/9/13)

How to cope with complexity in an operating system

by Jacob Sharf, Calvin Cam, and Ian Chen

A. Modularity

Break things into pieces

Economics of Modularity

In Case 2, we had to make assumptions though. Q: What are these assumptions? - Cost to find module is nothing - Bugs are isolated and not spread throughout the code

B. Abstraction

"Nice" pieces (simpler than original)

There are some problems with the word-count program from the previous lecture. + Had two copies of read_sector function - Bootloader in MBR - word-count itself

Q: How to fix this?

CONCLUSION: There are many solutions with different pros, but with unfavorable flaws



wc v. crypto analysis - uses a lot of CPU

I/O  -0-   -1-   -2-
CPU     -0-   -1-   -2-
t ->

I/O  -0- -1- -2- -3-
CPI      -0- -1- -2-
t ->

Q: Can we use triple buffer? 100 buffering?
A: No, restricted by I/O (bottleneck)


Briefly summarize problems with simple O.S.'s modularity

void read_sector (int s, int ptr_t a) // s is sector number, a is address
	      | generalize read_sector
int read (int s, intptr_t buf, int bufsize)
	      | improvements:
	      |      change int return to size_t turn (generalization for computer type)
	      |      change int sector type to off_t sector type (64 bit)
	      |      change intptr_t to void* (generic c pointer)
	      |      change int to size_t
size_t read(off_t offset, void* buf, size_t bufsize)
	      | potential problem: assumes random access device for offset
size_t read(void* buf, size_t bufsize) // more general and works w/ any device
off_t seek(off_t offset) // for random access devices only
	      | Add error checking
size_t lread(int fd, void* buff, size_t bufsize) // -1 => error, error has details
off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int flag) // 0 => SEEK_SET, 1 => SEEK_CUR, 2 => SEEK_END


How to tell whether your modularity is good or bad

  1. Simplicity - easy to learn and to use
  2. Lack of Assumptions/Flexible/Portable/Neutral - easy to substitute components
  3. Robustness - tolerate harsh conditions
  4. Performance - * Modularity usually hurts performance (a bit, not too much) *



			| | <- program test (read only)
			| | <- I/O buffers
			| | <- heap
			| | <- Stack
			| | <- library O.S. kernal (read only)

Caller + Callee Code (lazy ver: one function that calls itself)

In C

			int fact(int n)
				return n*fact(n-1);
				return 1;

Sidenote: gcc will actually optimize this into the iterative version if you specify -O2. For the recursive version, specify the -O0 command, asking it not to perform any optimizations

In Assembly

			    pushl %ebp          
			    movl $1, %eax        ;// caller beware! callee can modify %eax
			    movl %esp, %ebp      ;// we'll preserve %ebp, (the frame pointer)
			    subl $8, %esp
			    movl %ebx, -4(%ebp)    ;// e means extended (more below)
			    movl 8(%ebp), %ebx
			    tstl %ebx, %ebx
			    jne .L5
			    movl -4(%ebp), %ebx
			    movl %ebp, %esp
			    popl %ebp
			    ret             ;// answer in %eax
			    leal -1(%ebx), %eax ;// ax = bx-1
			    movl %eax, (%esp)
			    call fact
			    imull %ebx, %eax
			    jmp .L1

Originally, the x86 architecture used 16-bit registers, which did not have the e in the beginning of their name (ax, bp, sp, etc). As computer architectures moved to 32-bit registers, intel decided to extend their registers to 32-bits. To maintain compatibility, you can refer to the lower 16 bits of the register via >their older names, or to all 32 extended bits by appending an e. In the example above, callee can modify %eax. Caller cannot depend on %eax being preserved across a function call

This sort of caller-callee contract is called the calling convention

Q: What can go wrong with function call modularity? A: Robustness - Caller could mess up (e.g. it would forget to push in; jmp fact instead of call fact) + when we return, we'll execute random instructions - Callee can mess up (e.g. callee can set registers it's not supposed to; callee can return to wherever it wants to; callee can loop) - all these bugs happen -> we want to allow O.S. to run regardless of buggy modules

Soft Modularity

Voluntary conventions which rely on the participation of the caller and

Functional calls give you SOFT MODULARITY - We want HARD MODULARITY

Hard Modularity

Modularity which does not rely on the participation of the caller/callee.
			Works even with buggy modules.

Two Common ways:
1. Client-Server: Code is put on a centralized server. Since all communication is done over a network connection, the client connecting cannot write on server memory, and it can’t execute arbitrary instructions over a truly secure network. client-server model
- Pro: Very robust
- Con: Very Expensive

  1. Virtualization virtualization
    • Pro: Performance
    • Cons: Many virtual machines (VMs) run on a single computer. If that computer has a hardware failure, it will affect more than one virtual machine (there is a single point of failure). In addition, if one faulty VM allows an attack to gain access to the machine, the security of all VMs on that hardware are compromised.