CS 111 Lecture 7 4/23
By: Kacey Ryan, Greg Futami, Nick Westman, Alex Sanciangco
Access to time / CPU
- Many apps want the CPU, we must decide which ones get it
- The number of apps <= The number of CPUs --> EASY
- The number of apps > The number of CPUs --> HARD (er)
- Ask Yourself:
- Are they cooperative? (share CPU)
- Or are they hostile, don't work along, try to take the CPU
- The answer will affect how you design scheduling algorithm
- Answer:
- Usually, YES they are cooperative (for embedded systems)
- Unfortunately, in the general case, you have to assume NO
- Example: SEASnet (they serve hundreds of students in different courses at random times)
Threads (Review from last time)
- Like processes except that they share memory
- They share "as much as possible" without stepping on each others' toes
- POSIX threads
- int pthread_create(pthread_t * threadid, pthread_attr_t const * attar, void *(*pfn)(void*), void * arg);
- Creates a new thread
- Arguments: pointer where thread will be stored, attributes, function, arguments
- Like fork or posix_spawnvp
- int pthread_join(pthread_t threaded, void * status);
- wait for another thread
- Like waitpid
- int pthread_exit(void * status);
- Exit the thread
- Like _exit
- In linux, don't consider "apps <= CPUs", rather "threads <= CPUs"
- It's possible to have an application that doesn't like threads
- One thread per process
- pthread_create fails!
Scheduling the CPU (solving the above "hard" problem)
Scheduling Issues
- Scale
- Longterm: which processes or threads will be admitted to the system?
- Medium term: which processes or threads reside in RAM?
- It's possible they don't all fit in RAM at once
- The ones that are in RAM then will run faster
- The decision "which process to put in RAM" is an important part of scheduling
- Short term: which runnable thread
- Multiple Scheduling Algorithms
- one for long, one for short, etc
- OR application classes (each application is in own class)
- e.g. system, interactive, batch user, or student (SEASnet)
- Realtime scheduling
- operating ON TIME (timely behavior) is big part of program
- Hard realtime
- e.g. pace maker, brake system of car, controller of nuclear power plant
- applications cannot miss deadlines
- predictability is more important than CPU performance
- unoptimized bubble sort (always same time)
- don't use cache
- "Its a different world!" (Swapping speed for predictability)
- use polling, not interrupts / traps
- Soft realtime
- e.g. video playback
- some deadlines can be missed, at some cost
- example policies:
- earliest deadline 1st
- deadline > current time
- give up otherwise
- rate-monotonic scheduling
- assign higher priority to tasks that run more frequently
- but overall load doesn't exceed CPUs
How to measure quality of a scheduler

The figure above shows measurements for scheduling, metrics which were pulled from classic manufacturing.
- Things to worry about:
- Expected (average) times
- worst-case times
- Utilization:
- percentage of time the CPU is doing useful work
- Throughput:
- Rate of useful work being done
- Fairness
- give each request a "fair" share of service
- but at least no request should starve
- avoid starvation!
Types of Schedulers
- First Come First Serve (FCFS / FIFO)
- Earliest arrival time is chosen
Job |
Arrival |
Run |
Wait |
Turnaround Time |
A |
0 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
B |
1 |
2 |
4+S |
6+S |
C |
2 |
9 |
5+2S |
14+2S |
D |
3 |
4 |
13+3S |
17+3S |
let S=scheduling time
Average run time: 5
Average wait time: 5.5 + 1.5S
Average turnaround time: 10.5 + 1.5S
+ fair
- convoy effect (long/slow jobs slow down shorter jobs after it)
- Shortest Job First (SJF)
- Minimizes and optimizes average wait time
- BUT: if little jobs keep coming in and theres a big order, big jobs will starve
Job |
Arrival |
Run |
Wait |
Turnaround Time |
A |
0 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
B |
1 |
2 |
4+S |
6+S |
C |
2 |
9 |
9+3S |
18+3S |
D |
3 |
4 |
4+2S |
8+2S |
let S=scheduling time
Average run time: 4.25
Average wait time: 5.5 + 1.5S
Average turnaround time: 9.25 + 1.5S
+ optimizes wait time
- fairness issue (big jobs can starve)
- Priority scheduling
- associated each job is a priority
- priority 1 --> highest priority
- priority 2 --> less
- num ^ is called niceness
- $nice --> can change niceness of process
- External priorities - set by user
- internal priorities - set by scheduler
- FCFS: priority = arrival time
- SJF: priority = run time
- FCFS + SJF: priority = arrival time + run time
- Linux: priority = niceness + …
- Preemption + scheduling
- wait time is even less than SJF
- (wait response time better!)
- utilization thought put goes down because the deltas add up