Lecture 2 Scribe Notes

UCLA CS 111 - April 2, 2014 - Professor Eggert

Notes by Aman Agarwal, Nicholas van Hoff, Zhao Yang, Kyle Gronich

From Last Lecture

Avoidance of OS


Complexity is the biggest challenge in OS design. Professor Eggert: Complexity bites us harder than bites elsewhere


We need a way of counting the number of words in a proposal. We need to be very secure. We cannot trust an operating system, because it might contain codes written by a fellow professor to steal his proposal.


Write a standalone program that is OS-agnostic.


File Characteristics


Disk Controller

Disk Controller Diagram

How to Tell Disk Controller a Command

  1. Wait for it to become ready
  2. Store number of sectors you want to read into
  3. Store which sector you want to read into
  4. Store READ command into first slot
  5. Wait for ready
  6. Slurp data from disk controller cache through CPU into RAM


Most software on a computer is loaded using other software already running on that computer. Bootstrapping is the process of putting the initial software onto the computer.


Read-only memory (ROM) is a solution to the bootstrapping problem by allowing computers to be shipped with a start up program.


Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) resided on the ROM and servers to:

  1. Self-test
  2. Look for devices
  3. looks for a special pattern in the first sector indicating device is bootable


Master Boot Record Diagram

Bootable device

Bootable Device Diagram

Actual Code


Converting mbr.c to the executable

mbr.c -> compiler -> mbr.o -> ld -> mbr exec

Use dd to perform a low level copy onto the disk

dd if=mbr of=/dev/disk1/0 count=1 size=512


int main(void)
    for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
        read_sector(1 + i, 0x100000 + i * 512);
    goto *0x100000;

static void read_sector(int s, char *a, int ns)

    outb(0x1f2, ns);
    for (int i = 0x1f6; i >= 0x1f3; i--) {
        outb(i, s & 0xff);
        s >>= 8;

    outb(0x1f7, 0x20); //READ command


    insl(0x1f0, (int*)a, 128);

static void wait_for_ready()
    while((inb(0x1f7) & 0xc0) != 0x40) // wait for the disk controller to be ready.

static unsigned char inb(int addr) {
    asm("inb ..."); //Assembly instruction


void main(void)
    unsigned long nw = 0;
    bool inw = false;
    int s = 21;
        char buf[512];
        read_sector(s, buf);
        for(int i=0; i<512; i++)
            if(buf[i] == '\0')
            bool inw1 = (buf[i]|('a'-'A'))-'a' < 26u; 
	    // or: bool inw1 = ('a' ≤ buf[i] && buf[i] ≤ 'z' || 'Z');  
            nw += inw1 & inw;
            inw = inw1;

void finish(int n)
        short *p = (short *) 0xb8014;
        do {
            *p-- = '0' + n % 10;
            n /= 10;