CS111 Research Paper


This course is a brief introduction to foundational concepts, that should enable you to begin studying more advanced concepts. Among the key learning objectives for this course is:

This project gives you the opportunity to develop, exercise, and demonstrate that ability.


This project is expected to complement and deepen your understanding of material presented in the reading and lectures.


The goals of this project are:


A 5-10 page paper in ASCII text, pdf, or HTML.


  1. review the last few years of papers from the following Operating Systems related conferences: find a paper (in an area discussed in this course) that you find interesting, and submit it to your TA for approval.
  2. Write a brief (e.g. 1-2 page) summary of:
  3. Write a 3-8 page discussion of:

    If you find it necessary to do additional research to better understand some topics or issues, list those sources in a resources section, explain why you sought out each, and summarize what you obtained from it.


This project is worth 10% of your total course grade.

Points for this project will be awarded:
Value Feature
10% clarity and readability (including grammar and spelling)
10% how well you can summarize the subject and goals of chosen paper.
10% how well you can summarize the approach and work done in your chosen paper.
10% how well you can summarize the results from your chosen paper.
10% how well you can synthesize key conclusions from your chosen paper.
20% depth, completeness, specificity and insightfulness of your analysis of the similarities in the chosen principles as discussed in the course and your chosen paper.
20% depth, completeness, specificity and insightfulness of your analysis of the differences in the chosen principles as discussed in the course and your chosen paper.
10% depth, specificity and cogency of your suggested improvements to the treatment in this course.


This project is due by midnight on Monday June 6, 2016. It should be submitted, as a single file, with turnitin. Slip-days can be used on this project, but if it is turned in after June 8, you may have to take an incomplete in the class, which we will change as soon as we are able to finish the grading.